Please see Egypt and Glass Stereoviews for other views of the middle east region.

Edward L. Wilson, Phila. Scenes in the Orient. 229. The Presbyterian Mission School for Girls. G. $50

Cramb's Views in Palestine 1860 Cramb's Views in Palestine 1860
Mideast218. John Cramb. Published by Andrew Duthie, Glasgow. Views in Palestine. 9. The Garden of Gethsemane. G. $75

mideast226 Damascus by Frith
Mideast226. Francis Frith. Vues de la Terre Sainte. 440. Panorama de Damas. Damascus. G. $35

mideast227 Nablus by Frith
Mideast227. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 447. Nablous. G. $35

mideast228 Jerusalem by Frith
Mideast228. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 420. Jerusalem, from the top of the Citadel, looking North-East. G. $30

mideast229 Ford of the Jordan by Frith
Mideast229. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 435. The Ford of the Jordan, the site of the Baptism. G. $25

Mideast235. E.H., Paris. Palestine et Syrie. 18. Jerusalem: Lieu de l’Ascension de N.S. G. $20

Dead Sea
Mideast238. E.H., Paris. Palestine et Syrie. 55. La mer morte. G. $15

Mideast239. E.H., Paris. Palestine et Syrie. Jerusalem Basilique du St. Sepulchre. G. $15

J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2734. Tour de David a Jerusalem. G. $15

J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2968. Mosquee de Mohanned-Ali, a la Citadelle Le Caire. G. $15

J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2937. Minaret de la Mosquee & Propylone du Grand-Temple. G. $15

J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2884. Vue Generale du Temple de Koum-ombo. G. $15

J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2759. Tombeau de David & Le Cenacle a Jerusalem. G. $20

mideast283 mideast283b
Mideast283. No ID. Asien: Syrien & Palastina. No. 2015. Panorama von Jerusalem und der Kirche St. Anna. G. $15

Good's Eastern Series
Mideast284. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 21. The Tomb of Rachel, with Olive Tree. An authentic site, “A little way” from Bethlehem. G. $40

Mideast292. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 446. Nablous. VG. $35

Mideast296. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 445. Nablous. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in left margin. VG. $35

Mideast298. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 454. Baalbec. Octagon Temple. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin. G. $25

Mideast299. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 456. The Cedars of Lebanon. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in left margin. G. $25

Mideast300. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 451. Baalbec. View from the North-West Angle of the Temple. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin. G. $25

Mideast303. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 424. Bethanie Prise du Midi. G. $25

Mideast304. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 414. Jerusalem. G. $25

Mideast306. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt & Nubia. 302. The Portico of the Temple of Dendera. VG. $35

Mideast309. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 408. Jerusalem, Eglise de Ste. Anne. VG. $35

Mideast310. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 421. Jerusalem, The English Pr0testant Church. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin. G. $25

Mideast311. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 405. Jerusalem, from the Mount of Olives. VG. $35

Mideast314. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 444. Nazareth, vue de North-Est. VG. $35

Mideast316. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 435. Le que du Jourdain. Tinted. VG. $35

Mideast317. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 418. Jerusalem. Tinted. VG. $35

Mideast318. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 400 Gaza, La Ville Moderne. VG. $35

Mideast321. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 428. Hebron, Partie Septentrion de la Ville. VG. $35

Mideast327. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 447d. Sebustieh. VG. $35

Mideast328. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 452. Baalbec. Vue de Sud-Est. VG. $35

Mideast333. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 433. Banias, the Ancient Paneas and Caesarea Philippi. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin.VG. $35

Mideast334. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 427. Hebron, La Piscine de David. G. $25

Mideast341. Caire. Mosque d’aurvu au Viena Caire. G. $20

Mideast342. Untitled overview, probably Cairo. VG. $25

Mideast344. C.F. Spittler, Jerusalem. Mosheeres Sachara? VG. $25

Mideast345. H. Guerard, paris. Vue prise a Tropoli (Syrie). VG. $25

Mideast346. 139. Baalbek-View of the Temple of Jupiter. VG. $20

Mideast347. Henri Guerard. Le pont des Bazars, a Tropoli (Syrie). VG. $25

Mideast348. J.A. 2783. Le Jourdain, lieu ou Jesus-Christ a ete Baptise par St. Jean-Baptiste. G. $10

Mideast349. J.A. 2794. Vue Generale du Convent de St. Sabas pres Jerusalem. G. $15

Mideast350. J.A. 2814. Vue Generale de Jerusalem. VG. $20

Mideast351. J.A. 2773. Vue Generale de Jerusalem. VG. $20

Mideast352. J.A. 2769. Puits des Rois pres Bethlehem. VG. $15

Mideast353. J.A. 2784. Vue Generale de Saint-Jean-dans-le-Desert. G. $15

Mideast354. J.A. 2836. Vue Generale de Nazareth. G. $10

Mideast355. Cairo. VG. $25

Mideast356. Street of the Citadel, Cairo. VG. $25

Mideast357. Vue prise Mokhatam? pres du Caire. G. $20

Mideast358. 4103. Suez: The New Harbour. G. $20

Mideast360. Frank M. Good, London. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 27B. Jerusalem-Via Dolorosa. G. $20

Mideast361. Frank M. Good, London. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 53. Mount Hermon-The Mount of Transfiguration. G. $20

Mideast362. Frank M. Good, London. Good’s Eastern Series. no. 22A. Jerusalem-From the Mount of Olives. G. $20

Mideast365. Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia. Scenes in the Orient. Arabia. 4. Arab Beggars in the Mosque Court. G. $25

Mideast371. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 340. View between the Upper Portions of the two Principal Pylons at Philae. VG. $35

Mideast372. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 392. The Court of Sheshonk, (The Shishak of the Scriptures), at Karnac. VG. $35

Mideast373. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 336. The Principal Corridor of the Island of Philae. VG. $35

Mideast374. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 14. Jerusalem–The Garden of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives. VG. $35

Mideast 377. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 41A. Group at Nazareth. VG. $50

Mideast378. [Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series.] Nazareth from the East. VG. $35

Mideast380. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 5. Sinai–Wady Feiran. Paran. Wild Palms. VG. $35

Mideast382. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 45. Tiberias–Encampment by the Lake. VG. $35

Mideast385. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 102. Egypt–Cairo. From the Citadel, with Mosque of Sultan Hassan. VG. $35

Mideast386. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 109. Egypt–Cairo. Mosque of Mohammed Ali. VG. $35

Mideast387. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 120. Egypt-Cairo. Arab Sy-is and Bedouin. VG. $45

Mideast404. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 22B. Jerusalem.–From En Rogel. G. $20