Please see Egypt and Glass Stereoviews for other views of the middle east region.
Mideast197. Edward L. Wilson, Phila. Scenes in the Orient. 229. The Presbyterian Mission School for Girls. G. $50
Mideast218. John Cramb. Published by Andrew Duthie, Glasgow. Views in Palestine. 9. The Garden of Gethsemane. G. $75
Mideast226. Francis Frith. Vues de la Terre Sainte. 440. Panorama de Damas. Damascus. G. $35
Mideast227. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 447. Nablous. G. $35
Mideast228. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 420. Jerusalem, from the top of the Citadel, looking North-East. G. $30
Mideast229. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 435. The Ford of the Jordan, the site of the Baptism. G. $25
Mideast235. E.H., Paris. Palestine et Syrie. 18. Jerusalem: Lieu de l’Ascension de N.S. G. $20
Mideast238. E.H., Paris. Palestine et Syrie. 55. La mer morte. G. $15
Mideast239. E.H., Paris. Palestine et Syrie. Jerusalem Basilique du St. Sepulchre. G. $15
Mideast243. J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2734. Tour de David a Jerusalem. G. $15
Mideast247. J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2968. Mosquee de Mohanned-Ali, a la Citadelle Le Caire. G. $15
Mideast255. J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2937. Minaret de la Mosquee & Propylone du Grand-Temple. G. $15
Mideast258. J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2884. Vue Generale du Temple de Koum-ombo. G. $15
Mideast260. J.A., photo; B.K., Paris, publisher. Vues de Palestine et d’Egypte. 2759. Tombeau de David & Le Cenacle a Jerusalem. G. $20
Mideast283. No ID. Asien: Syrien & Palastina. No. 2015. Panorama von Jerusalem und der Kirche St. Anna. G. $15
Mideast284. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 21. The Tomb of Rachel, with Olive Tree. An authentic site, “A little way” from Bethlehem. G. $40
Mideast292. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 446. Nablous. VG. $35
Mideast296. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 445. Nablous. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in left margin. VG. $35
Mideast298. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 454. Baalbec. Octagon Temple. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin. G. $25
Mideast299. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 456. The Cedars of Lebanon. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in left margin. G. $25
Mideast300. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 451. Baalbec. View from the North-West Angle of the Temple. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin. G. $25
Mideast303. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 424. Bethanie Prise du Midi. G. $25
Mideast304. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 414. Jerusalem. G. $25
Mideast306. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt & Nubia. 302. The Portico of the Temple of Dendera. VG. $35
Mideast309. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 408. Jerusalem, Eglise de Ste. Anne. VG. $35
Mideast310. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 421. Jerusalem, The English Pr0testant Church. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin. G. $25
Mideast311. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 405. Jerusalem, from the Mount of Olives. VG. $35
Mideast314. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 444. Nazareth, vue de North-Est. VG. $35
Mideast316. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 435. Le que du Jourdain. Tinted. VG. $35
Mideast317. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 418. Jerusalem. Tinted. VG. $35
Mideast318. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 400 Gaza, La Ville Moderne. VG. $35
Mideast321. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 428. Hebron, Partie Septentrion de la Ville. VG. $35
Mideast327. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 447d. Sebustieh. VG. $35
Mideast328. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 452. Baalbec. Vue de Sud-Est. VG. $35
Mideast333. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 433. Banias, the Ancient Paneas and Caesarea Philippi. Blindstamp of the London Stereoscopic Company in right margin.VG. $35
Mideast334. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 427. Hebron, La Piscine de David. G. $25
Mideast341. Caire. Mosque d’aurvu au Viena Caire. G. $20
Mideast342. Untitled overview, probably Cairo. VG. $25
Mideast344. C.F. Spittler, Jerusalem. Mosheeres Sachara? VG. $25
Mideast345. H. Guerard, paris. Vue prise a Tropoli (Syrie). VG. $25
Mideast346. 139. Baalbek-View of the Temple of Jupiter. VG. $20
Mideast347. Henri Guerard. Le pont des Bazars, a Tropoli (Syrie). VG. $25
Mideast348. J.A. 2783. Le Jourdain, lieu ou Jesus-Christ a ete Baptise par St. Jean-Baptiste. G. $10
Mideast349. J.A. 2794. Vue Generale du Convent de St. Sabas pres Jerusalem. G. $15
Mideast350. J.A. 2814. Vue Generale de Jerusalem. VG. $20
Mideast351. J.A. 2773. Vue Generale de Jerusalem. VG. $20
Mideast352. J.A. 2769. Puits des Rois pres Bethlehem. VG. $15
Mideast353. J.A. 2784. Vue Generale de Saint-Jean-dans-le-Desert. G. $15
Mideast354. J.A. 2836. Vue Generale de Nazareth. G. $10
Mideast356. Street of the Citadel, Cairo. VG. $25
Mideast357. Vue prise Mokhatam? pres du Caire. G. $20
Mideast358. 4103. Suez: The New Harbour. G. $20
Mideast360. Frank M. Good, London. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 27B. Jerusalem-Via Dolorosa. G. $20
Mideast361. Frank M. Good, London. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 53. Mount Hermon-The Mount of Transfiguration. G. $20
Mideast362. Frank M. Good, London. Good’s Eastern Series. no. 22A. Jerusalem-From the Mount of Olives. G. $20
Mideast365. Edward L. Wilson, Philadelphia. Scenes in the Orient. Arabia. 4. Arab Beggars in the Mosque Court. G. $25
Mideast371. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 340. View between the Upper Portions of the two Principal Pylons at Philae. VG. $35
Mideast372. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 392. The Court of Sheshonk, (The Shishak of the Scriptures), at Karnac. VG. $35
Mideast373. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 336. The Principal Corridor of the Island of Philae. VG. $35
Mideast 377. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 41A. Group at Nazareth. VG. $50
Mideast378. [Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series.] Nazareth from the East. VG. $35
Mideast380. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 5. Sinai–Wady Feiran. Paran. Wild Palms. VG. $35
Mideast382. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 45. Tiberias–Encampment by the Lake. VG. $35
Mideast385. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 102. Egypt–Cairo. From the Citadel, with Mosque of Sultan Hassan. VG. $35
Mideast386. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 109. Egypt–Cairo. Mosque of Mohammed Ali. VG. $35
Mideast404. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 22B. Jerusalem.–From En Rogel. G. $20
Mideast420. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 33b. Jerusalem–The Mosque of Omar. The Site of Solomon’s Temple. G. $20
Mideast421. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 132. Egypt–Cairo. Palace occupied by the prince and Princess of Wales on their visit to Egypt. Nibble at bottom left corner. G-. $20
Mideast422. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 31. Jerusalem–The English Church. VG. $25
Mideast423. Francis Frith. Views in the Holy Land. 415. Jerusalem. Tinted. G-. $25
Mideast424. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 394. Great Hall of Columns at Karnac. G. $25
Mideast425. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 356. The Temple of Edfou, of the Grecian Period. VG. $35
Mideast426. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 149. The Colossi of Memnon, at Thebes. Egypt. G. $25
Mideast427. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 139. Portion of the Temple of Rom Ombos, Egypt. VG. $30
Mideast428. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 378. The Temple Palace of Goorneh at Thebes. G. $25
Mideast429. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 147. The Temple of Erment, near Thebes, Egypt. G. $35
Mideast430. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 155. Portion of the Great Court in the Temple of Medinet Haboo. Egypt. VG. $35
Mideast431. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 209. Tombs of the Memlook Kings, Cairo. G. $35
Mideast432. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 161. Portion of the Columnar Court in the Temple of Karnak, Thebes. Egypt. VG. $35
Mideast433. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 150. General View of the Memnonium, or Remeseum, of Thebes. Egypt. G-. $20
Mideast434. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 123. The Great Temple at Philae, Egypt. G. $25
Mideast435. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 167. The Columns of Osiris in the Temple of Karnak. Egypt. G. $35
Mideast436. Francis Frith. Egypt and Nubia. 133. Little Temple on the Island of Biggeh. Egypt. G. $20
Mideast437. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 368. The two Obelisks and part of the Hall of Columns at Karnac. G. $35
Mideast438. 1105. Le temple de Derr en Nubie. G. $15
Mideast439. L.L., Paris. Palestine & Syrie. 10154. Ba’lbek. Ensemble des Temples du Soleil et de Jupiter. (Syrie.) G. $25
Mideast440. No ID. Nr. 60. Speos a Athyr a Thebes. VG. $25
Mideast441. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. 348. Assouan, The Frontier Town of Upper Egypt. G+. $25
Mideast442. No ID. No. 97. Egypt-Cairo. Bedouin and Dromedary. G+. $15
Mideast443. No ID. No. 68. Egypt-Cairo. Street View, from Mosque of Sultan Hassan. VG. $20
Mideast444. No ID. No. 63. Egypt-Cairo. Mosque of Mohammed Ali, (built of Veined Alabaster). G+. $20
Mideast448. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 223. Nubia–Aboo-Simbel. G. $25
Mideast449. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 8. Sinai-Mount Horeb. Ras Susafeh, and Plain of the Assemblage. G. $20
Mideast451. Frank M. Good. Good’s Eastern Series. No. 38. Shechem, Nablous, between Ebal and Gerizim. G. $20
Mideast457. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. No. 309. Facade of the Great Rock Temple of Abou Simbel, in Nubia. VG. $35
Mideast458. Francis Frith. Views in Egypt and Nubia. No. 342. The Hypaethral Temple at Philae, usually called “Pharoah’s Bed.” G. $35