Book and Catalogues | Books with Tipped-In Photographs | Magazines, Newspapers

Books and Catalogues

B3. Avery, Sid. Photographs. Hollywood at Home: A Family Album 1950-1965. Text by Richard Schickel. NY: MJF Books, 1990. First edition. DW with chips. VG. $15

B3B. Baldus, Edouard. The Photographs of Edouard Baldus. Malcolm Daniel. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994. Hardcover, dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. E. $75

Bleeker, Sylvester. GENERAL TOM THUMB’S 3 YEARS TOUR OF THE WORLD BOOKLET! Great 144 page booklet of Gen’l Tom Thumb’s 3 Years Tour Around the World, Accompanied by His Wife-Lavinia Warren Stratton, Commodore Nutt, Miss Minnie Warren, and Party by Sylvester Bleeker. Copyright 1872 by PT Barnum. Back cover is missing, spine is mostly chipped off, some page corners folded, but all the rest intact and a fabulous read with many illustrations. G+. $175

B5. Blodgett, Richard. Photographs: A Collector’s Guide. NY: Ballantine Books, 1979. Hardcover, dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $10

B5C. Buckland, Gail. Reality Recorded: Early Documentary Photography. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, n.d. Hardcover with dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. VG. $20

B6. Coe, Brian and Paul Gates. The Snapshot Photograph: The rise of popular photography 1888-1939. London: Ash & Grant, Ltd., 1977. First edition. Softcover. Damage at top of rear cover extends to damage at top of about 40 pages. Fair. $10

[Daguerreotypes]. The Daguerreian Annual 1999. Softcover. E. $25

B7C. Earle, Edward W., ed. Points of View: The Stereograph in America–A Cultural History. The Visual Studies Workshop Press, April 1979. First edition hardcover with dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. VG. $75

B8A. [Eastman Kodak]. Tinting and Toning of Eastman Positive Motion Picture Film. Rochester, N.Y. Eastman Kodak Company, 1927. Hardcover. Fourth edition revised. This book is 39 pp plus a 4-page foldout that contains 66 examples of tinted or toned nitrate film. The spine and edges of boards are flaked as shown. The film samples are fine. This book is quite scarce and I could find only one available for sale online for $2500. This copy is priced at 30% of that number: $750.

B9A. Eisenstaedt, Alfred. Edited by Doris C. O’Neil. Eisenstaedt Remembrances. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1991. Second printing. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $15

B9C. Evans, Walker. Walker Evans at Work. 745 Photographs together with Documents Selected from Letters, Memoranda, Interviews, Notes. With an Essay by Jerry L. Thompson. New York: Harper & Row, 1982. First edition. Hardcover with dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. VG. $20

B10. Frank, Waldo, Lewis Mumford, Dorothy Norman, Paul Rosenfeld & Harold Rugg (eds.) America & Alfred Stieglitz, A Collective Portrait. NY: The Literary Guild, 1934. First Edition. VG. $40

B10A. Franks, Kenny A. and Paul F. Lambert. Early Louisiana and Arkansas Oil: A Photographic History 1901-1946. Texas A&M University Press: College Station, 1982. First edition. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $10

B10B. Frassanito, William A. Early Photography at Gettysburg. Gettysburg, Pa: Thomas Publications, 1995. Hardcover first edition. Dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. E. $75

B10C. Galassi, Peter. Before Photography: Painting and the Invention of Photography. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1981. Paper. VG. $15

B10D. Galassi, Peter. Walker Evans & Company. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2000. Paper. E. $20

B11. Gladstone, William A. United States Colored Troops 1863-1867. Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1990. Softcover. E. $65

B12. [Gleason, Herbert]. The Western Wilderness of North America, Photographs by Herbert Gleason. Intro. & commentary by George Crossette. Barre, Mass.: Barre Pubs., 1972. E. $27.50

B12A. Goldberg, Vicki, and Robert Silberman. American Photography: A Century of Images. San Francisco, California: Chronicle Books, 1999. First edition hardcover. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. As new. $35

B12-1. Gross, Harry I. Antique & Classic Cameras. NY: Amphoto, 1965. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $15

B12a. Haller, Margaret. Collecting Old Photographs. NY: Arco Publishing Co., Inc., 1978. Hardcover, dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. VG. $10

B12A2. Hendrickson, Paul. Looking For The Light-The Hidden Life and Art of Marion Post Wolcott. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Hardcover w/dust jacket. VG. $12

B13A. Hurley, F. Jack. Portrait of a Decade. Roy Stryker and the Development of Documentary Photography in the Thirties. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 1974. This is the story of the remarkable Roy Stryker, director of the historical section of the Farm Security Administration, and his amazing staff of photographers: Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein, Ben Shahn, Russell Lee, Carl Mydans, Marion Post Wolcott, John Collier, Jr., Jack Delano, John Vachon, and others. DW with some tears and wrinkles but intact and covered with plastic protector. VG. $85

B14. International Center of Photography. Encyclopedia of Photography. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1984. 600+ page hardcover book. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $25

B15. Jenkins, Harold F. Two Points of View: The History of the Parlor Stereoscope. Elmira, NY: World in Color Productions, 1957. Hardcover, first printing. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $75

B17. [Keppler, Victor] Victor Keppler Man + Camera-A photographic autobiography. NY: Hastings House, 1970. Slipcase. VG. $35

B18. Leyda, Jay, & Zina Voynow. Eisenstein at Work. New York: Pantheon Books/The Museum of Modern Art, 1982. First edition. Paper. VG. $15

B18B. Mautz, Carl. Biographies of Western Photographers: A Reference Guide to Photographers Working in the 19th Century American West. Nevada City, CA: Carl Mautz Publishing, 1997. First edition of this monumental work with fine dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. Inscribed and signed by the author. E. $50

B20. May, Brian, Denis Pellerin, Paula Fleming. Diableries: Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell. The London Stereoscopic Company, 2013. First printing.  In France, around 1860, from the loins of a traditional national fascination with all things diabolical, was born a new sensation – a series of visionary dioramas depicting life in a strange parallel universe called ENFER – Hell – communicated to an eager audience by means of stereoscopic cards, to be viewed in the stereoscopes which had already become popular in the 1850s. This 3-D phenomenon is now yours to share. This book, the fruit of half a lifetime’s study by three impassioned authors, brings every one of the published Diableries into the 21st century for the very first time. Some of them are so rare that at the time of writing there is no known complete collection of the originals of these masterpieces. But this book enables all but two of the 182 scenes to be enjoyed just as their creators intended, in magnificent 3-D, using the high-quality patent OWL stereoscopic viewer supplied. New in slipcase and plastic wrap with lenticular on cover. E. $150

B20A. Meredith, Roy. Mathew Brady’s Portrait of an Era. NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1982. Hardcover. First edition. Dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. VG. $15

B21. Nazarieff, Serge. Stereo Akte*Nudes*Nus 1850-1930. Benedikt Tashen, 1993. Text is in English, German, and French. Softcover. VG. $20

B24A. [New York] New York Then And Now. 83 Manhattan Sites Photographed in the Past and Present. Captions by Edward B. Watson. Contemporary Photographs by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr. NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1976. Paper. $10

B24B. [New York] Black, Mary. Old New York in Early Photographs. 196 Prints, 1853-1901 from the Collection of the New York Historical Society. NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1976. Paper. $15
Nicol, Philippe. MIDGETS PALACE BIOGRAPHICAL BOOKLET. This 32-page booklet measures 6″ x 4 1/4″. It is titled Biographical Sketches of Count and Countess Philippe Nicol and their son Philippe Jr. The Midgets Palace was located in Montreal and this booklet is in both English and French. I have shown scans of the two sides of the cover page, one in each language. I have shown all of the interior pages of the English section. The French section has the exact same pictures with French text. E. $50

B25. Petrie, Francis J. Roll Out The Barrel. The Story of Niagara’s Daredevils. Erin, Ontario: The Boston Mills Press, 1985. Paper. E. $10

B26. Phillips, Sandra S., Richard Rodriguez, Aaron Betsky, & Eldridge M. Moores. Crossing the Frontier. Photographs of the Developing West, 1849 to Present. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Chronicle Books, 1996. Paper, VG. $35

B26A. Pollack, Peter. The Picture History of Photography from the earliest beginnings to the present day. NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1969. Revised and enlarged edition. 700-page huge tome. DW. VG. $65

B26B. Pritzker, Barry. Mathew Brady. NY: Crescent Books, 1992. First edition hardcover. New with dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. This book measures 14.5″ x 10.5.” E. $15

B26C. Recker, Stephen. Rare Images of Antietam and the Photographers who Took Them. Sharpsburg, Md.: Another Software Miracle, LLC, 2012. Softcover. E. $35

B26D. Floyd and Marion Rinhart. The American Daguerreotype. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 1981. First edition hardcover. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. Ex-lib. VG. $25

Rowe, Jeremy. Photographers in Arizona 1850-1920, A History & Directory. Nevada City: Carl Mautz Pub., 1997. DW. E. $45

B27A. Rucker, Mark. Base Ball Cartes: The First Baseball Cards. Paper, 1988. First Edition. As New. $95

Scharf, Aaron (comp. by). Pioneers of Photography. NY: Harry N. Abrams, 1976. DW. VG. $25

B31. Seelye, John. Mark Twain in the Movies, A Meditation with Pictures. NY: The Viking Press, 1977. DW with tears, VG. $15

B34. Steinem, Gloria. Photographs by George Barris. Marilyn. NY: Henry Holt & Co., 1986. DW. VG. $20

B35. Swann Galleries. Photographs, Wednesday, April 7, 1993. Catalog for Public Auction Sale. $5

B36. Swann Galleries. Photographs, Tuesday, October 8, 1991. Catalog for Public Auction Sale. $10

B37. Swann Galleries. Photographs, Monday, October 5, 1998. Catalog for Public Auction Sale. $10

B38. Szarkowski, John. Mirrors and Windows. American Photography since 1960. The Museum of Modern Art, NY. Paper. E. $17.50

B39A. The Vermont Directory and Commercial Almanac 1855, with an Appendix, by W.W. Atwater. 128 pages plus 40 page appendix plus additional ad pages front and back. There are hundreds of ads for all sorts of establishments in this book. I found 4 ads for Daguerreians, shown above. Ads are for Dart, Lovell, Mowrey, & Webster. Measures 5 5/8″ x 3 1/4.” While covers are present, inside is unbound from cover, easily repaired. Fair. $60

B39A2. Waldsmith, John. Stereo Views: An Illustrated History and Price Guide. Radnor, PA: Wallace-Homestead Book Company, 1991. Hardcover. Inscribed by the author. VG. $40

B39B. Whitman, Nicholas. A Window Back: Photography in a Whaling Port. Spinner Publications, Inc. Signed by the author. Second printing hardcover, 1997. Dust jacket in protective plastic sleeve. As new. $28

B40. Wilman, C.W. Simplified Stereoscopic Photography. London: Percival Marshall & Co., Ltd., no date. A very uncommon book on stereoscopic photography. Plastic dust jacket. G. $25

His850. Taylor, William O. With Custer on the Little Bighorn. Newly Discovered First-Person Account by William O. Taylor. Foreword by Greg Martin. NY: Viking, 1996. Hardcover first edition. Dust jacket with protective plastic sleeve. VG. $15

Books with Tipped-In Photographs [In this section, please order by book title]

Brodhead, L.W. The Delaware Water Gap: Its Scenery, Its Legends, and Its Early History. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., 1867. Inscribed and signed by the author on front fly, which is separated from book. There are 9 albumen photographs by Jesse Graves. The first one is on the back of the inscribed front fly as a frontispiece and as stated above is separated. I’ve shown this image twice to show its separation. Please review the photographs for an accurate statement of the condition of the images. G. $275

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co. Baldwin Locomotive Works. Illustrated Catalogue of Locomotives. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1881. Second Edition. 153 pgs. 18 mounted albumen photographs. Some wear to corners and covers o/w VG. $1250

Cheney Travel Album. Here is a rather extraordinary travel album of the 1887 European trip of members of the Cheney Family from Massachusetts with 209 photographs and over 52 pieces of ephemera from their tour for the 50th year of Queen Victoria’s reign. There are photos of the parade for the Queen, Cunard Steam Ship Company Lists of Saloon Passengers for the R.M.S Pavonia and the R.M.S. Servia, Programme of the Jubilee Coronation Procession of the Queen, Theatre flyers, Official Programme for the Royal Jubilee Thanksgiving Service, Westminster Abby, Tuesday, June the 21st, 1887, Passenger List for the Norddeutscher Lloyd Imperial German & U.S. Mail Steamship Aller, etc., etc, etc. VG. $750

Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia. Illustrated by one hundred stereoscopic photographs taken by Francis Frith for Messrs. Negretti and Zambra. With descriptions and numerous wood engravings, by Bonomi…and Notes by Samuel Sharpe. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1862. 240 pages with all 100 stereoscopic photographs. Number XLVI is mounted as a frontispiece. The first few pages including the title page are loose, not bound. The volume has waterstains fortunately avoiding touching the actual tipped-in photographs. There is some tape repair on some of the pages. Most images are good-very good although some of the pages have serious foxing. All the images are shown above and the condition of each is well presented. This rare volume has achieved the following prices in the past decade: PBA Galleries, 8/14/14, $4200; Swann Auction Galleries, 10/17/14, $5000; James E. Arsenault & Company, 2018, $12,500. Given the condition of this current volume, it is offered at $2000

Harrington, Charles. Summering in Colorado. Hardcover, illustrated with 13 tipped-in photographs by Joseph Collier. The book is 158 pages with several additional ad pages. Original brown cloth, stamped in gilt title on cover. Produced in 1874 by Richards & Co. in Denver and had between zero and 15 photographs tipped-in. This copy, as indicated has 13. It was published to promote tourism. The images are mostly very good with minor fading on one or two. All images are illustrated. The title page is missing and the front cover is starting. There is wear at ends and corners. G-VG. $950

Italy. Bound album of images of Italy, 11″ x 15.” 75 images in all, page-mounted, one-sided, 8″ x 10.” Some by G. Sommer, Napoli. VG. $850

Second Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the City of New York, for the Year ending April 10,1872. New York: Martin B. Brown, 1872. 236-page hardcover book with 7 tipped-in photographs by Rockwood, NY. Original brown cloth, gilt title stamped on cover. Each image has a sheet of tissue paper over it. Some foxing as shown. Chip at top of spine. G. $500

Smyth, C. Piazzi. Teneriffe, An Astronomer’s Experiment: or, Specialities of a Residence Above the Clouds. London: Lovell Reeve, 1858. First edition. Contains 19 of 20 original tipped-in stereographs. This is the first book issued with mounted stereographs. This gold-bound hardcover has “St. Mary’s Road School, Peckham,” impressed on cover. First marbled fly is separated and has “First Reward. Edward Herbert. Diligence, Punctuality and Good Conduct, Christmas 1864. B.E.” written on it as this volume was given to the student as a “First Reward.” The one missing stereograph, No. 18, has a photographic copy laid in, not adhered to the page as are the other original stereographs. Some rubbing at edges, a.e.g. VG. $1500

The Stereoscopic Magazine: A Gallery of Landscape Scenery, Architecture, Antiquities, and Natural History, accompanied with Descriptive Articles by Writers of Eminence. Vol. 1. London: Lovell Reeve, 1858. Bound volume containing 50 mounted stereoviews. Ten are by Roger Fenton, 1 by H. Taylor; 1 by William Walker. One is tinted. The front cover is detached, the back cover is missing. Pages and images in very good condition. Rare. $1500

Woodbury, Augustus, Chaplain of the Regiment. A Narrative of the Campaign of the First Rhode Island Regiment, in the Spring and Summer of 1861. Providence: Sidney S. Rider, 1862. Signed by John R. Bartlett at top right of the title page. There are 17 tipped-in photographs in the book. The frontispiece is a photo of Burnside, 4.5″ x 3.5.” The rest of the images are CDV size. Titles are: Rev. Augustus Woodbury; Major Balch; Falls Church; Fairfax Court House; Sudley Church, Bull Run; Hetacomb at Sudley Church where over 100 Federal troops were buried; Mathews’ House used for a hospital during Battle; Sudley Ford and Church, Bull Run; Sudley Ford, Bull Run; Stone Bridge, Bull Run; Fortifications at Manassas; Earl Carpenter; Col. J.S. Slocum; Lieut. Prescott; Long Bridge Across the Potomac; & Stone Church Centreville. The images are in VG-E condition. There are also many steel engravings of generals, scenes, Lincoln, etc. bound in as well a map of Bull Run. The book measures 10.25″ x 7.25,” in original old boards. There is an old waterstain along the top of the volume, which can be seen along the top of many pages and down to center on the title page. The images are not effected by the waterstain. There are some old newspaper reviews laid in. A very rare volume with 17 tipped-in photos. All copies that I have been able to find have just one image tipped-in. G. $3000

Magazines, Newspapers, Catalogs

Etter1. Roberta B. Etter Auction Catalog. Fine Antique Photographica. Closing Date November 29, 1984. Great 48-page catalog with fabulous images for sale. G. $10

M2. The Photographic Collector. 1983 Mail Bid Auction Sale. 36 pages plus covers of 478 wonderful images for sale. Interesting to see the price estimates over 35 years ago. E. $6

M2a. The Photographic Collector. 1983 Autumn Auction Sale. 32 pages plus covers of 339 wonderful images for sale. Interesting to see the price estimates over 35 years ago. E. $6

M2b. The Photographic Collector. 1982 Mail Bid Auction Sale. 36 pages plus covers of 469 wonderful images for sale. Interesting to see the price estimates over 35 years ago. E. $6

M2c. The Picture Show, Staunton, Va. Mail Auction #2. Conducted by Craig Peterson. 12 pages plus covers of 135 wonderful images for sale. Interesting to see the prices realized at that time. I think this catalog is from the 1970’s. Comes with prices realized list. E. $6

The following lots are partial volumes or single issues of Stereo World magazine. They are all original issues, not reprints. They are all in VG-E condition and may come with some of the original inserts.

M5. Vol. 12, Nos. 1-5. March-April 1985 through Nov.-Dec. 1985. 5 Issues. Dinosaurs through the Stereoscope; St. Louis, Then and Now; William Henry Jackson; JJ Reilly; The Heart of Alfred A. Hart; Celebrities of Nook Farm. $25

M9. Vol. 16, No. 2. May-June 1989. Single Issue. Color Issue. The Raisins in 3D. $10

M10. Vol. 17, Nos. 2, 3, 6, May/June 1990, July/August 1990, & Jan/Feb 1991. 3 Issues. Canadian Stereo Library; The Apollo Stereo Record;  Easter Island. $20

M12. Vol. 19, Nos. 1 & 3. March-April 1992, & July-August 1992. 2 Issues. The Oakland Fire; Comet Orbits in 3D;  Leica 3D Gold; Stuffed & Tinted. $15

M13. Vol. 20, Nos. 5 & 6. Nov.-Dec. 1993 & Jan.-Feb. 1994. 2 Issues. George Lewis, Keystone’s Last Stereographer; Martin Mason Hazeltine. $10

M14. Vol. 21, Nos. 1 & 3. March-April 1994 & July-Aug. 1994. 2 Issues. 3D LA Earthquake of 1994; ’92 Winter Games; Two Men of Vision.. $15

M16. Vol. 23, No 2. May-June 1996. 1 Issue. Seneca Ray Stoddard; William H. Jackson in Books. $7

In addition, the following issues of Stereo World are available for $5 each:

1982. Vol. 9, Nos. 2, 3.
1986. Vol. 13, No. 5.
1987. Vol. 14, Nos. 2, 3.
1990. Vol. 16, No. 6.
1990. Vol. 17, Nos. 4, 5.
1991. Vol. 18, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.
1993. Vol. 20, No. 3.
Sept./Oct. 1998, Volume 25, No. 4.
1999. Double Issue, Volume 26, Nos. 2 &
2000. Volume 27, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
2001-2002. Volume 28, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.
2002-2003. Volume 29, Nos. 2, 3, 5.
2004-2005. Volume 30, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
2004-2005-2006. Volume 31, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
2006-2007. Volume 32, Nos. 2, 6.
2007-2008. Volume 33, No. 4.
2008-2009. Volume 34, Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
2009-2010. Volume 35, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6.
2010. Volume 36, Nos. 1, 2.

Life- Conjoined Twins
Life1.  Excellent condition Life magazine, April 1996. The highlight of the issue is the photos and article on Abigail and Brittany Hensel, conjoined twins. E. $10

Photocan1. Photographic Canadiana, Volume 42, Number 1, May-June 2016. The Photographic Historical Society of Canada. 20 pages. VG. $6

Some issues of the Daguerreian Newsletter and Quarterly are available for $5 each. Please inquire if interested.