Sixth-plate Tintype of a seated man with a rifle across his lap. His hat is on his feet. Housed in a half-leather case. VG. $125

Baseball Tintype
SPTT10. Tintype, 3 1/2″ x 2 3/8,” of 5 young men, fellow on the left holds a bat ready to swing. G. $150

gamett5 Backgammon Tintype
Gamett5. Tintype, 4″ x 2 3/8″ in a paper mat 4 1/2″ x 3″ of two men playing backgammon. VG. $250

SPTT19. Sixth-plate tintype of three men in fighting pose, one holding a bottle. It took me a while to figure that there were only 6 arms in the picture. Housed in a half leather case. VG. $200