Sw52. Charnaux a Geneve. No. 188. Berne. VG. $25
Sw55. Charnaux a Geneve. No. 342. Chillon Prison de Bonivard. G. $15
Sw59. Charnaux a Geneve. No. 254. Lucerne et le Lac. VG. $25
Sw85. A. Braun. No. 5191. Bains de Pfaeffers et de Ragaz. Entree de la gorge de Pfaeffers. VG. $20
Sw98. A. Braun. No. 5089. Chateau de Chillon. Lac Leman. VG. $25
Sw99. A. Braun. No. 5708. Interlaken. Hotel Ritschard. VG. $25
Sw100. A. Braun. No. 5140. Lac des IV cantons. Chapelle Guillaume Tell. VG. $20
Sw101. A. Braun. No. 5811. Lucerne. VG. $20
Sw110. A. Braun. No. 5549. Col de Balme. Chaine du Mont-Blanc. G. $20
Sw111. A. Braun. No. 3075. Route du St. Gothardt. Gorge de Schoellenen. G+. $20
Sw112. A. Braun. No. 5743. Berne. Fontaine de la Justice. Stamped on back “Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 807 Broad Street, Prov. R.I.” VG. $25
Sw113. A. Braun. No. 6271. Murren et le grand Eiger. Stamped on back “Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 807 Broad Street, Prov. R.I.” G. $20
Sw114. A. Braun. No. 5777. La Jungfrau. Vue prise sur le chemin de Murren. Stamped on back “Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 807 Broad Street, Prov. R.I.” VG. $20
Sw115. A. Braun. No. 6033. Oberland Bernois. La Schienigeplatte, la Jungfrau, l’Eiger et le Moench. Stamped on back “Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 807 Broad Street, Prov. R.I.” G. $20
Sw116. A. Braun. No. 5776. La Jungfrau. Vallee de Lauterbrunnen. Stamped on back “Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 807 Broad Street, Prov. R.I.” G. $20
SW130. No ID. La Jungfrau, Bernese Alps. E. $30
SW134. B.K., Paris. 535. Hospenthal au Pied de la Huhnereck Route du St. Gothard (Con du’Uri) Suisse. VG. $15
SW190. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 1. Panorama de Lucerne. Suisse. E. $20
SW191. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 5. Le Kapell-brucke Lac de Lucerne. Suisse. E. $20
SW192. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 6. Inerieur au Kapell-brucke, Lac de Lucerne. Suisse. E. $20
SW193. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 10. Weggis, Lac de Lucerne. Suisse. E. $20
SW194. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 14. Pont sur le Mayenback, Passe du St. Gothard. Suisse. E. $25
SW195. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 34. Vue dans la Gorge du Tamina, Bains de Pfeffers. E. $20
SW196. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 35. Ragatz de Pentree de la Gorge du Tamina. Suisse. E. $20
SW197. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 39. La Vallee de Domleschg, de la Gorge de la Via Mala. E. $20
SW198. S. Thompson. Views of Switzerland, Italy and the Tyrol. No. 41. Le Pont du Milieu, Gorge de la Via Mala. E. $20
SW199. 534. Traversee de la mer de glace. VG. $15