Please see Civil War Stereos and CDVs for Lincoln Images and additional images of Grant and other Presidents
Pres4. Keystone. 33535. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States, at His Desk in the Executive Offices, Washington, D.C. VG. $75
Pres5. Keystone. 32790. Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Presidential Nominee of the Democratic Party, at Chicago, Ill. VG. $75
Pres6. Keystone. 16508. Hon. William H. Taft, the Choice of the Republican Party in the Presidential Campaign of 1908. VG. $45
Pres38. The Universal Photo Art Co. 4457. Inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1905. The Inaugural Parade, Cavalry Escort. VG. $20
Pres40. Griffith & Griffith. Judge W.H. Taft. Stereoview of Taft before becoming President. “Library of Congress Surplus Duplicate” stamped on verso. VG. $65
Pres88. Stamp of B.F. Stevens, Peabody, Mass, Jeweler & Stationer, on verso. Peabody Square looking up Lowell St. Flag across the street during campaign of Garfield for President. E. $150
Pres97. Joseph W. Warren, Fall River, Mass. Grant at Oak Bluffs. G. $95
Pres106. E&HT Anthony. Prominent Portraits. No. 5431. Hon. Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. VG. $850
AK17. Keystone. 21043. Ketchikan-in Far-off Alaska, Welcomes Pres. Harding. VG. $40
PR143. [George Stacy]. Abraham Lincoln’s catafalque NYC. Carried by Peter Relyea’s huge and elaborately decorated hearse, which was drawn by sixteen horses. VG. $650
PR152. U&U. Beginning the great hunt–President Roosevelt and party entering the bear country. VG. $45
PR157. U&U. President Roosevelt and Senator Fairbanks, at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, NY. VG. $35
PR158. U&U. 7661-On the great bear hunt-President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains-Colorado. VG. $85
PR177. HC White. 9943. President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col. VG. $35
PR179. HC White. 9931. President Roosevelt and Party after nine hour ride through rain and mud, Rocky Mtns., Col. VG. $65
PR182. Keystone. 16639-Ex-President Roosevelt responding to the welcome of his Countrymen on his Arrival in New York After his Extended Trip Abroad, June 18, 1910. VG. $35
PR183. Universal View Co. President and Mrs. Roosevelt and Party aboard the Mayflower. Review of the War Fleet, Oyster Bay, Aug. 17th, 1903. VG. $35
PR189. B.W. Kilburn. 7922. The Blind Chaplain opening the Columbian Exposition with prayer. President Cleveland’s address, May Day. VG. $30
PR199. Keystone. 11952. Boston’s first reception to President Wilson is the occasion of his return from France, February 24, 1919–Party arriving at State House. VG. $40
PR200. Keystone. 17388. First President in History to participate in a Public Event on foot-President Wilson Marching in First Div., Preparedness Parade, Washington DC. VG. $15
PR201. Keystone. 16658. President Woodrow Wilson at his desk, Washington, DC. VG. $50
PR225. Keystone View Co. 37903. President Truman at His Desk. Rare late issue view. VG. $325
PR229. Pach Bros., NY. Mr. & Mrs. Gen. Grant & Son Jessie, 1872, at their Cottage by the Sea. VG. $250
PR245. Lovejoy & Foster, Chicago, Ill. Skeleton Leaves. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. VG. $10
PR255. HC White. 7444. Pres. Roosevelt, Sec’y Bonaparte, Admirals Evans and Brownson and Mr. Loeb, Naval Review, Oyster Bay. VG. $20
PR262. U&U. Easter Morning. Fine portrait of President Garfield on the wall. VG. $12
PR263. Keystone. 28012. Herbert Hoover. VG. $15
PR268. Joseph L. Bates, Boston. Lincoln skeletal leaves. VG. $10
PR269. Alexander Lambert. President T. Roosevelt visiting Frederick, Okla. G. $25
PR270. Alexander Lambert. President T. Roosevelt visiting Frederick, Okla. G. $25
PR271. Alexander Lambert. Near Frederick, Okla. during the visit of President T. Roosevelt. G. $25
PR272. Alexander Lambert. President T. Roosevelt visiting Frederick, Okla. G. $25
PR273. Alexander Lambert. President T. Roosevelt visiting Frederick, Okla. G. $25
PR274. Alexander Lambert. President T. Roosevelt visiting Frederick, Okla. G. $25
PR275. Alexander Lambert. President T. Roosevelt visiting Frederick, Okla. G. $25
PR285. S.F. Adams, New Bedford, Mass. Gen. Grant & Party, Tip Top House, Mt. Washington, NH. E. $150