Be sure to Visit the Boston Water Works Construction Views Page for an Additional Selection of Occupational Stereoviews!
O21. J.A. Mather, Titusville, Pa. Sunken Fortune in Oil Creek, Penn. VG. $150
O31. No ID. Wonderful rich view of Stove and Pot Display. VG. $150
O44. J.N. Webster, Barton, Vt. No. 114. Shop and Round House, Lyndonville. Extensive title listing on verso. “William Darrah Coll.” penned on verso by Darrah. VG. $100
O48. E&HT Anthony. English Views. No. 957. Group. Gamekeepers and Boys, Leceistershire. VG. $150
O55. H.H. Bennett. The Camera’s Story of Raftman’s Life on the Wisconsin. 1419. Putting Down a Springpole. A Hard One. E. $200
O96. O. Pierre Havens, Savannah, Ga. Market. VG. $150
O98. Joseph W. Warren, Fall River, Mass. Interior of Butterworth and Wilbur’s Star Builders Carpenter’s Shop. G. $85
O102. No ID. Pencilled title on verso “Elmquist’s turning lathe at St. Croix Falls, Wis.” VG. $150
O107. McLeish & Cressey, St. Paul. Lake Superior Views, North Shore. 378. Silver Islet Mines. Located on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Canada. VG. $250
O108. No ID. Cotton Mill No. 1. VG. $45
O109. J.N. Webster, Barton, Vt. No. 115. Interior of Machine Shop, Lyndonville. Title listing on verso. VG. $100
O110. No ID. Carpentry Shop with workers. Sign reads “No Smoking Allowed in Working Hours.” VG. $100
O131. No ID but surely a Pennsylvania scene as one can make out most of the word “Lackawanna” on the wall of the building. Sign reads “Select Rocking Coal.” G. $45
O151. William Allderige, New Britain, Conn. Interior of a printing shop, typecases, etc. in view. G+. $75
O152. William Allderige, New Britain, Conn. Interior of a printing shop, presses, typecases, etc. in view. G+. $75
O160. A.L. Hinds, Benton, Maine. Scenery in Northern Maine. Crocker Slate Quarry, Brownville. VG. $75
O161. A.L. Hinds, Benton, Maine. Scenery in Northern Maine. Merrill Slate Quarry Brownville. G. $45
O164. No ID. J.J. Vandersloot Storefront, owners in doorway. VG. $35
O174. No ID. Two-sided stereoview showing a large group of workmen outside of their factory on one side. The other side is a photographic image of the entrance to Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn that is actually printed right onto the card. G+. $50
O189. No ID. Industrial Interior showing close view of machinery. VG. $85
O191. No ID. Interior of Clothing shop, briefcases for sale as well. VG. $85
O196. McLeish & Cressey, St. Paul. Lake Superior Views. North Shore. The Silver Islet Mines (Canada). VG. $225
O204. No ID. Sign for Taft & Gilso[n] Ice Cream & Dining Room. VG. $50
O206. No ID. Storefront of L. Barnes, Painting and Graining, Glazeing and Whitening. Many workers in scene. G. $50
O211. No ID. Tinted European view of a group of workmen, looks like a guard or policeman at left in rear. VG. $35
O213. No ID. View shows a man sawing wood, kids in the background climbing the wall. VG. $35
O215. H.D. Ward, North Adams, Mass. Hoosac Tunnel. No. 804. West End. Showing the Brick Arch. The distance from the mouth of this Arch to the heading is now about 4500 feet. G. $50
O238. Hurd & Smith’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. 241. Miners descending the West Shaft. VG. $75
O244. Keystone View Co. V22502. Taking Out the Whalebone, Baffin Bay. E. $50
MASS140. [H.P. Moore, Concord, Mass.] Street scene showing the Adams Express Company and other storefronts. Wagons are loaded with packages out front. This may be Concord, or it may be Boston. The Adams Express Company was started in May of 1840 by a man named Alvin Adams in Boston. The primary business was the carrying of small parcels, bank drafts and other valuable items between Boston, Worcester, Norwich, New London and New York City with the use of steamboats and railroads. At this time the shipping and delivery business was booming. A number of large local and regional companies such as Livingston, Fargo & Company, Wells & Company, and Butterfield & Wasson were beginning during this year also. The men who put together these companies later on in 1849 put together what we now know as The American Express Company. The business routes of the company expanded rapidly and at the start of the gold rush, a new trans-continental business development was started. Shortly after in 1849, Adams moved to California and started an Adams & Co. This firm was closely related to that of the Eastern company but this one focused on the transportation of gold dust from San Francisco to New York. During the Civil War the Adams Express Company initially acted as paymaster for both the Union and Confederate armies and later set up a separate wholly-owned company called the Southern Express to handle payment of the Southern troops. In 2004, the company observed its 150th year Anniversary. Today the Adams Express Company is still delivering and is a diversified equity investment company. VG. $150
MASS144. No ID. Quarries at Gloucester, Mass. VG. $85
NH62. F.G. Weller, Littleton, N.H. No. 435. A.L. & G.W. Brown & Co.’s Steam Fire Engine, Whitefield, N.H. Rounded corners o/w VG. $150
NH63. F.G. Weller, Littleton, N.H. No. 434. A.L. & G.W. Brown & Co.’s Steam Fire Engine, Whitefield, N.H. G. $150
O253. J.L. Lovell, Amherst, Mass. Image likely by Charles Prouty, a photographer who worked for Lovell. Hoosac Tunnel. G. $75
O254. Manchester Bros., Providence, RI. Image like by Charles Prouty. Interior of what looks like a cloth mill. VG. $75
O256. No ID. 125. Philadelphia Mint Coining Room. VG. $175
O257, O258, & O259. No ID. Storefront and 2 interiors of N.H. Arnold, Carpeting, Cloth & Fabric Store. Workers and interior displays are shown. Address on awning is “3” but location is unknown. VG. 3 views/$200
O263. No ID. Beautiful interior view of a wood working shop. VG. $65
O266. Chase & Bachrach, Baltimore. William Wilkens Steam Curled Hair and Bristle Manufactory, Baltimore. G. $65
O272. No ID. Two-sided stereoview showing machine on one side and woman on the other. VG. $85
O273. Copelin, Chicago, Ill. Advertising stereoview for Sercomb & Meacham, Silver Plated Ware, 154 State Street. VG. $150
O278. Advertising stereoview for “William Corliss’ Patent Burglar Proof Safe, Manufactured by the Corliss Safe Company, Providence, R.I.” VG. (7694) $200
O284. H.P. Rundel. Rochester & Vicinity. Steele & Avery. G. $65
O285. Newton Oakley, Rochester. Rochester & Vicinity. Compliments of Charles Forbes, M.D., Prof. Natural Sciences, R.F.A. Rochester, N.Y. Scientific instruments around the room. Looks like a weight hanging at center. VG. $125
MA76. F.H. Crockett. “Interior View of the Store of A. Ross Weeks, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in China, Crockery and Glass Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Chandeliers, Fancy Vases, Toilet Sets, Smokers’ Sets, Busts and Statuettes, in Parian, Terra Cotta and Bronze. Antique Ware, Majolica Ware, Flower Pots and Lawn Vases, of every description. Decorated Chamber Sets a Specialty. No. 250 Main Street, Rockland, Me.” Advertising view. VG. $200
O304. Keystone. 22291-Counting Presses, Government Mint, Philadelphia. Pa. VG. $20
O305. Keystone. 22290-Making Paper Money, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Washington, D.C. VG. $25
O307. National Stereoscopic Advertising Company, Chicago and St. Louis. Untitled interior, maybe a hotel. Tinted. VG. $75
O308. No ID. Iron Double-Track Railway Bridge, Boston & Albany R.R. Over the Connecticut River at Springfield, Mass. Designed by Chas. Hilton, Civil Engineer, Albany, N.Y. Riveted Diagonal Truss, 7 spans, 180 feet each. Total length, 1260 feet. Built by the Leighton Bridge and Iron Works, Rochester, N.Y. 1878. VG. $150
O309. No ID. J.S. Graham’s Planing Mill Machinery, A Specialty. Office and Works, Mill Street, Rochester, NY. No. 1. Monitor Planer and Matcher. G. $85
O315. No ID. Written faintly on back is “Leather #3….” G. $35
O316. Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown, Fine Art Gallery, Philadelphia. Agency in New York: Bogardus’s Gallery. VG. $75
O319. Lamsons’ Patent Stone Channeling Machine, Manufactured by the Windsor Manufacturing Company, Windsor, Vermont. VG. $150
O320. No ID. View of the Picture Window at Gill’s “Art Store.” The Specialties at the Art Store, are Paintings, Water Colors, Engravings, Photographs, Statuary, Bronzes, Rogers’ Groups, Clocks, Picture Framing, Mirrors, Fine Stationery, Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books, Illustrated Books, Swiss Carvings, Russia Leather Goods. Gill’s Art Store, Springfield, Mass. VG. $150
O322. Advertising stereoview for the real estate project Ocean View Point, Pigeon Cove, Mass. The Extreme and Outermost Point of Eastern Massachusetts. The Greatest Variety of Scenery. The Finest Graded Avenues in New England. Title of this view is 1. Intersection of Point De Chene and Phillips Ave’s. VG. $50
O328. E.H. Hart, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 61. Hygeia Hotel, H. Phoebus, Proprietor. View Looking West from the Old Point Comfort, (Fort Monroe) Virginia, with Capacity for 500 Guests, and all modern improvement. In addition to the stereoview on the front of the card, there is a photo on the back of the card as well. VG. $125
O331. R.N. Ham, Cohoes, NY. Johnston Steamer, Cohoes, NY. VG. $150
O332. Interior of a Silver shop. Gorham Sterling Silver and Electro Plated Ware a Specialty. Store name is difficult to read but maybe “Shreve, Crump & Law.” VG. $75
O335. G.E. Mitchell driving his colt Young Diamond, to his Brewster Buggy–weight only 179 lbs., top and all. Advertising view for the Brewster Buggy. On back is fine illustration for Mitchell’s Standard Plasters, Sold all Round the World. The Great Race of the Period, The Human Race, Supported by Mitchell’s Plasters. VG. $75
O337. W.L. Hall, Trumansburg, NY. Willard Asylum, Ovid, N.Y. The Willard Steam Fire Engine. G. $150
O339. No ID. Advertising stereoview for W.T. Smith & Co., Homer, NY, Fine Carriages. G. $150
O341. Keystone. 38622. Geo. Unit 41–The Federation of Rhodesia. The N’kana Shaft Mine, No. Rhodesia. E. $15
VT140. C.H. Freeman, Montpelier, Vt. Placer Gold Minint 1870’s at Worcester, Washington County, Vermont. VG. $75
O366. H.D. Ward, North Adams, Mass. Stereoview by H.D. Ward, North Adams. Mass titled No. 842. View of C.T. Sampson’s Shoe Manufactory, with the Chinese Shoemakers in working costume. Sampson owned a shoe factory. His workers went on strike. It was so serious, it threatened to close his factory. Sampson had heard about the good quality, cheap labor of the Chinese out west so he went out west to see for himself. He ended up loading up railroad cars with 70+ Chinese workers and brought them back east. He supposedly was armed to the teeth, because he was worried of being harmed. Upon arrival back home his striking workers wouldn’t let him and the Chinese off the train. Sampson stood his ground and succeeded in bringing the Chinese workers to his factory where this image was taken. VG. $150
Exp167. No photographer ID. Written on verso “N.P.R.R. Survey party of 1869 as we came in from the woods. St. Cloud in the distance. J.M.H.” VG. $450
NH199. French & Sawyer, Keene, N.H. Claremont and Vicinity. No. 75. Interior of R. Spencer’s Jewelry Store. Sewing machines, clocks, etc. on display. VG. $85
O370. J. Freeman, Nantucket. Life Saving Station. G. $125
O373. No photographer ID. Title on verso “Butchers Cart, Wallawalla.” E. Salmon Reform Butchery. Chipped. G-. $75
GA41. J.N. Wilson, Savannah, Ga. A.M. & C.W. West, Choice Groceries. VG. $150
O374. [H.D. Ward]. This is a rare vintage copy stereoview of an image that appears in the photographically illustrated book by George Mowbray entitled Tri-Nitro-glycerin, as Applied in the Hoosac Tunnel Submarine Blasting, Etc. G. $35
O376. W.K. Crisp, Photo Artist, Paradise, Nova Scotia. “457. “Aunt Betsy” Weaving. VG. $100
Mass502. S. Towle, Mass. Making-up Room, Lawrence Hosiery, Lowell, Mass. Dr. Geo. L. Harris, Overseer. VG. $50
WI251. Copelin & Son, Chicago. Views at Kilbourn Dalles, Wisconsin. 27. On the Raft. VG. $250
WI252. Copelin & Son, Chicago. Views at Kilbourn Dalles, Wisconsin. 26. Rafting–Cooking Supper. VG. $250
WI253. Copelin & Son, Chicago. Views at Kilbourn Dalles, Wisconsin. 25. Rafting–Making Bread. VG. $250
VT170. No.84.–Freedley’s Marble Quarry. G. $45
O378. Geo. W. Butler, Westerly, R.I. Colossal Statue, for the Soldiers’ Monument, at Antietam, Md. Rhode Island Granite Works, Westerly, R.I. G. $35
O381. Laying W[ater] Pipe. VG. $35
O382. Bear Hunter’s Camp with skins hanging in background. G. $15
O383. Excelsior Steamer & Hose Co., Ilion, NY. Taken Oct. 6. 1879. G. $125
O384. Interior of Masonry/Sculpture Works with figures and tools. VG. $75