A.L. & G.W. Brown & Co.'s Steam Fire Engine, Whitefield, NH
NH62. F.G. Weller, Littleton, N.H. No. 435. A.L. & G.W. Brown & Co.’s Steam Fire Engine, Whitefield, N.H. Rounded corners o/w VG. $150

A.L. & G.W. Brown & Co.'s Steam Fire Engine, Whitefield, NH
NH63. F.G. Weller, Littleton, N.H. No. 434. A.L. & G.W. Brown & Co.’s Steam Fire Engine, Whitefield, N.H. G. $150

Bank Block, Keene NH by French Bank Block, Keene NH by French
NH71. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. Stereoscopic Views of Keene and Vicinity. 493. Bank Block. G. $40

Bank Block, Keene NH by French Bank Block, Keene NH by French
NH72. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. Stereoscopic Views of Keene and Vicinity. 493. Bank Block. G. $40

Huge Load of Firewood, Keene NH Huge Load of Firewood, Keene NH
NH74. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. Miscellaneous Stereoscopic Views. View is untitled but shows a huge load of firewood. G. $65

NH87. J. Parker, Jr., Newport, NH. No. 181. Claremont Cornet Band. Also on verso is the stamp of G.E. Stevens, Photographer, Claremont, NH. VG. $95

NH96. Kilburn Brother, Littleton, N.H. No. 1244. Mt. Washington Summit House. VG. $15

NH97. Kilburn Brothers, Littleton, N.H. No. 153. Tip Top House, Mt. Washington. VG. $15

NH103. Kilburn Brothers, Littleton, N.H. 112. Almost There-Lizzie Bourne’s Monument, Mt. Washington. G. $15

NH105. John P. Soule, Boston, Mass. No. 120. The Pool. VG. $20

NH109. Kilburn Brothers, Littleton, N.H. No. 101. Railway on to Mt. Washington. VG. $15

NH135. Kilburn Brothers, Littleton, N.H. No. 988. Kearsarge House, North Conway, N.H. VG. $15

NH161. N.W. Pease, North Conway, NH. 112. Silver Cascade-White Mountain Notch, H.H. VG. $30

NH162. No photographer ID. 150. Glen Ellis Fall. VG. $10

NH164. William England for the London Stereoscopic Co. Ice Cavern, White Mountains, New Hampshire. VG. $25

NH174. [J.A. French]. Handwritten title by French on verso “The ‘Great Bridge’, South Keene, N.H. Built by Alfred Rooks. Length on road bed 180 ft. 1848. Height 70 ft. Span 80 ft. Length 90 ft. (Arch). Cost $8000.” G. $35

NH176. [J.A. French]. Handwritten title by French on verso: “The B.F. Harris Family Group. Troy N.H. Taken Sept. 10th, 1879.” VG. $50

NH177. J.A. French. Handwritten title by French on verso: “Kimball House, Troy, N.H. Taken Sept. 28th, 1878 by J.A. French, Keene, N.H.” G. $35

NH178. [J.A. French]. Handwritten title by French on verso: “Rev. D.W. Goodale & Wife, Troy, N.H. Taken Oct. 10, 1878.” G. $35

NH179. J.A. French. Handwritten title by French on verso: “Residence of Mrs. Hubbard, Troy, N.H. Taken Aug. 2, 1878 by J.A. French.” G. $35

NH180. [J.A. French]. Unidentified group, Troy, N.H. VG. $35

NH181. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. Monadnock Trout Ponds, Troy, N.H. Geo. A. Starkey, Proprietor. Taken July 1st, 1878 by J.A. French. G. $35

NH184. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. Cold River Stock Yards, on the Cheshire Railroad. VG. $25

NH197. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. Untitled view of a man and his two dogs. G. $35

NH198. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. No. 599. Taking a Shave. Tinted. G. $40

NH200. French & Sawyer. Keene and Vicinity. 475. Parade of Knights Templar, Keene, May 1870. VG. $75

NH206. [J.A. French]. At Dublin. (Cheshire Co., N.H.). VG. $35

NH216. W.G.C. Kimball, Concord, N.H. Shaker Village, Canterbury, N.H. No. 22. Getting a Drink-“Don’t pump too fast.” VG. $250

NH217. W.G.C. Kimball, Concord, N.H. Shaker Village, Canterbury, N.H. No. 13. The Apiary. VG. $300

NH218. W.G.C. Kimball, Concord, N.H. Shaker Village, Canterbury, N.H. No. 14. School Room, with Teacher and pupils. G. $200

NH220. Franklin White, Lancaster, N.H. Interior Summit House in Winter. 2-cent tax stamp cancelled “FW.” VG. $50

NH223. Bierstadt Brothers, New Bedford, NH. Tip Top House, Mt. Washington, NH. VG. $20

NH226. Kilburn Brothers, Littleton, NH. No. 52. On the Pemigewasset. VG. $15

NH229. Franklin White, Lancaster, NH. White Mountain Notch. Cancelled 2-cent tax stamp on verso. G. $20

NH230. John P. Soule, Boston. No. 119. The Basin. 3-cent tax stamp on verso. VG. $20

NH245. William N. Hobbs. Stereoscopic Views of The Isles of Shoals. The Lighthouse, White Island. VG. $35

NH246. A.W. Anderson, Haverhill, Mass. View of Regatta, Isles of Shoals. G. $10

Bar22. Delos Barnum. Merrimac River, Nashua NH. VG. $35

NH327. H.O. Bly, Hanover, NH. 5 stereoviews of Dartmouth College. G. $25

NH329. John P. Soule, Boston. White Mountain Scenery. No. 155. Emerald Pool-near the Glen House. There is an artist at word at left. VG. $35

NH330. John P. Soule, Boston. White Mountain Scenery. No. 151. Interior of Snow Arch, Tuckerman’s Ravine, August 14, 1862. E. $50

NH336. N. W. Pease, No. Conway, NH. No. 28. Sunset Pavilion, North Conway, NH. G. $15

NH360. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Large gathering in front of the Centre Hotel, violin and harp players. G. $35

NH361. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Croquet. VG. $25

NH362. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Granite State Hotel. VG. $25

NH363. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Group of kids in front of school. VG. $20

NH364. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Unidentified large home. VG. $15

NH365. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Large group posed before large building. VG. $20

NH367. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Unidentified home, several people. VG. $15

NH368. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Unidentified scene. VG. $10

NH370. J.A. French, Keene, NH. F.H. Robertson store. VG. $20

NH371. J.A. French, Keene, NH. People in field. Office behind. VG. $15

NH372. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Overview of town. Vg. $15

NH374. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Large crowd, wacky costumes. VG. $50

NH375. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Overview of town. VG. $20

NH376. J.A. French, Keene, NH. View of the Village taken from the Congregational Church Tower. Ex-Darrah Collection. G. $20

NH377. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Large crowd, unknown event. VG. $20

NH379. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Civil War Statue, Keene. VG. $20

NH380. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Box factory. VG. $25

NH381. J.A. French, Keene, NH. Street scene. VG. $10

NH385. E.P. Gerould. Cheshire House, Keene, NH. VG. $20

NH397. John P. Soule. No. 46. Interior of Snow Arch, Tuckerman’s Ravine, August 16, 1861. VG. $20

NH399. Kilburn Brothers. No. 358. Senter House, Center Haror, N.H. VGB. $15

NH416. Kilburn Brothers. No. 188. Mt. Washington R.R. Depot. VG. $20

NH423. N.W. Pease, No. Conway, NH. No. 19-Artists Brook and Meadows, North Conway, NH. VG. $15

NH433. G.E. Stevens, Claremont, N.H. No. 112. Flanders Family Group, North Weare, NH. VG. $15

NH436. French & Sawyer, Keene, N.H. Claremont View. Unidentified home. VG. $10

NH437. G.E. Stevens, Claremont, N.H. Dr. Volk’s house, Claremont. VG. $10

NH438. H.M. Pattee, Claremont, N.H. Claremont Cornet Band, Claremont Town House & park. American flag strung between poles. G. $35

NH439. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. No. 43. Sugar River Paper Mill, from the Bluff. G. $20

NH440. G.E. Stevens, Claremont, N.H. No. 67. Deluge Engine Co., No. 3. G. $40

NH443. J.A. French, Keene, N.H. No. 48. Up the River, from near Lower Bridge. VG. $15

NH444. French & Sawyer, Keene, N.H. No. 66.-High Street School, Claremont, N.H. G. $10