Nickerson & Smith, Provincetown. Whale. VG. $125

G.H. Nickerson, Provincetown. Cape Cod Views. Blackfish. Extensive title listing on label verso. VG. $85

No ID. The Wharves from Fish Island, New Bedford Mass.VG. $85

B.W. Kilburn. 368. Landing of the Pilgrims, Plymouth, Mass. VG. $15

G.H. Nickerson, Provincetown. Cape Cod Views. Fishing Fleet off Long Point. G. $45

J.W. & J. S. Moulton, Salem. No. 13. Rail Road Bridge. VG. $75

Stamp of B.F. Stevens, Peabody, Jeweler & Stationer, on verso. Peabody Square, Allens Block. Few spots on left image o/w VG. $75

T. Lewis, Cambridgeport. 1775. Centennial Views. Battle of Bunker Hill. No. 24. 5th Maryland Regiment, Parade Ground, Common. VG. $45

Cowee, West Gardner, Mass. Written on back: “G.P. & J.G. Tales. Ash Bottom Chair Shop of J.G. Tales. Totally destroyed by fire December 1880. East Templeton View. This Howard White worked here as young man.” VG. $85

Cowee, West Gardner, Mass. Written on back: “Chair Shop of Poor & Pierce. Totally destroyed by fire March 1887. East Templeton View. Upper Shop Built by Frederick Parker Samuel Jennison & Joshua Sawyer who manufactured chairs from 1853 to 1861. Later chair shop of Parker & Carter (1863 to 1870). McLean & Dickerman 1870 to 1873; 1873 to 1875 Poor & Pierce. Destroyed by fire in March 1887 unoccupied. One of the places where Thomas Howard White worked.” VG. $85

Hall, Gt. Barrington, Mass. A view of men in front of a hunting and fishing lodge, lots of guns and poles. Some spots in right image at top of building. G. $40

Hall, Gt. Barrington, Mass. A view of the interior of a lodge. G+. $45

R.D. Ward, North Adams, Mass. No. 794. North Adams & Vicinity. Looks like a school picture. There are a pair of men on the top ledge of the building. VG. $35

No ID. Washington Elm, Cambridge. VG. $45

Nickerson & Smith, Provincetown. Making Fish. G. $35

G.H. Nickerson, Provincetown. Cape Cod Scenery. Central House. VG. $65

Nickerson & Smith, Provincetown. Pilgrim House. VG. $65

L.B. Howard, Brockton, Mass. Brockton Race Track. VG. $75

Nickerson, Provincetown. Sun Fish. VG. $95

H.D. Ward, North Adams, Mass. Hoosac Tunnel. No. 804. West End. Showing the Brick Arch. The distance from the mouth of this Arch to the heading is now about 4500 feet. G. $50

No ID. Gay Head Lighthouse. VG. $85

Hurd & Smith’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. 241. Miners descending the West Shaft. VG. $75

J.C. Moulton, Fitchburg, Mass. No. 87. Union Pass. Depot. VG. $65

H.D. Ward, North Adams, Mass. 844. North Adams from Witt’s Ledge. E. $65

Adams Express Company, Concord Massachusetts Adams Express Company, Concord Massachusetts
MASS140. [H.P. Moore, Concord, Mass.] Street scene showing the Adams Express Company and other storefronts. Wagons are loaded with packages out front.  A knowledgeable collector has identified this view as showing the Jeweler’s Building on Main St. in Worcester. The Adams Express Company was started in May of 1840 by a man named Alvin Adams in Boston. The primary business was the carrying of small parcels, bank drafts and other valuable items between Boston, Worcester, Norwich, New London and New York City with the use of steamboats and railroads. At this time the shipping and delivery business was booming. A number of large local and regional companies such as Livingston, Fargo & Company, Wells & Company, and Butterfield & Wasson were beginning during this year also. The men who put together these companies later on in 1849 put together what we now know as The American Express Company.  The business routes of the company expanded rapidly and at the start of the gold rush, a new trans-continental business development was started. Shortly after in 1849, Adams moved to California and started an Adams & Co.  This firm was closely related to that of the Eastern company but this one focused on the transportation of gold dust from San Francisco to New York.  During the Civil War the Adams Express Company initially acted as paymaster for both the Union and Confederate armies and later set up a separate wholly-owned company called the Southern Express to handle payment of the Southern troops. In 2004, the company observed its 150th year Anniversary. Today the Adams Express Company is still delivering and is a diversified equity investment company.  VG. $150

Quarries at Gloucester Massachusetts Quarries at Gloucester Massachusetts
MASS144. No ID. Quarries at Gloucester, Mass. VG. $85

Hoosac Tunnel, West End  Hoosac Tunnel, West End
MASS153. H.M. Ramsdell, North Adams, Mass. 58. Hoosac Tunnel, West End. G. $35

Entrance to Tunnel, East End  Entrance to Tunnel, East End
MASS158. No ID. Hoosac Tunnel & Vicinity. No. 262. Entrance to Tunnel, East End. VG. $30

Central Shaft Building  Central Shaft Building
MASS190. W.P. Hurd’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. Hoosac Tunnel Route Series. 235. General view of Central Shaft Building. G+. $40

West Entrance of Arch  West Entrance of Arch
MASS191. W.P. Hurd’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. Hoosac Tunnel Route Series. 218. West Entrance of Arch. G. $30

After the Fire Ware, Massachusetts  After the Fire Ware, Massachusetts
MASS228. J.L. Lovell, Amherst, Mass. Morning after a fire at Ware, Mass. VG. $50

 Haydenville Brass Band
MU160. [Charles Prouty, MA]. No. 109. Haydenville Brass Band. This view is likely by Charles Prouty. It came from a collection of photos by Prouty who worked for a number of Massachusetts and RI photographers. VG. $200

Hoosac Tunnel Engineers Hoosac Tunnel Engineers
Mass240. H.D. Ward, North Adams, Mass. No. 836. Hoosac Tunnel. View of Central Shaft Buildings. Depth of Shaft from base of Building to bed of Road, 1000,80 feet. (Do they mean 1080 feet?). The well-dressed men in foreground are undoubtedly engineers and they are gathered around a scientific instrument on the platform at center. VG. $150

Worcester Excursion Car Co.
Mass264. Worcester Excursion Car Co. No. 72. Grand Saloon. Plan C. Chipped lower left corner. G. $65

O308. No ID. Iron Double-Track Railway Bridge, Boston & Albany R.R. Over the Connecticut River at Springfield, Mass. Designed by Chas. Hilton, Civil Engineer, Albany, N.Y. Riveted Diagonal Truss, 7 spans, 180 feet each. Total length, 1260 feet. Built by the Leighton Bridge and Iron Works, Rochester, N.Y. 1878. VG. $150

O320. No ID. View of the Picture Window at Gill’s “Art Store.” The Specialties at the Art Store, are Paintings, Water Colors, Engravings, Photographs, Statuary, Bronzes, Rogers’ Groups, Clocks, Picture Framing, Mirrors, Fine Stationery, Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books, Illustrated Books, Swiss Carvings, Russia Leather Goods. Gill’s Art Store, Springfield, Mass. VG. $150

O322. Advertising stereoview for the real estate project Ocean View Point, Pigeon Cove, Mass. The Extreme and Outermost Point of Eastern Massachusetts. The Greatest Variety of Scenery. The Finest Graded Avenues in New England. Title of this view is 1. Intersection of Point De Chene and Phillips Ave’s. VG. $50

Mass268. O.F. Baxter, Chelsea, Mass. No. 3. 4th of July Celebration, Chelsea, 1868. VG-. $50

Mass272. G.H. Nickerson, Provincetown, Mass. Cape Cod Scenery. Clay Cliffs by Highland Light. G. $35

Mass281. S.F. Adams, Oak Bluffs. Sea view house. G. $15

Mass283. [S.F. Adams, Oak Bluffs]. Penobscot Ave. VG. $30

Mass291. S.F. Adams, Oak Bluffs. Sea View House. G. $20

Mass302. Barnum. Military Review for Prince of Wales, Boston Common, Oct. 1860. VG. $75

Mass304. No ID. Hollis Hall (at left). Used for dormitories. Built in 1762-63.  Built by Thomas Dawes, Hollis is one of the oldest buildings at Harvard, and housed George Washington’s troops during the American Revolution. Past residents include Charles Francis Adams, Sr., Horatio Alger, Jr., Jim Cramer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edward Everett, Boisfeuillet Jones, Jr., Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Wendell Phillips, Henry David Thoreau, George Santayana, Charles Sumner, John Updike, and William Weld.” Harvard Hall (at right). Used for recitations and lectures. 1812-13. Harvard Hall is a Harvard University classroom building in Harvard Yard, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The present Harvard Hall replaces an earlier structure which burned on January 24, 1764, destroying 4,500 of the College Library’s 5,000 books as well as its collection of “philosophical apparatus” (scientific instruments). The Massachusetts General Court, which had been meeting in Harvard Hall to escape a smallpox epidemic in Boston, took responsibility for the fire and funded reconstruction. Thanks to generous donors such as Thomas Hollis V and John Hancock, within two years the new Harvard Hall housed a library larger than that the College had before the fire. Thomas Dawes, who also built Hollis Hall at Harvard, was the master builder. Under the specific advice of Benjamin Franklin, a new collection of scientific instruments and electrical demonstration equipment was acquired (mostly in London) to replace the apparatus that had been lost in the fire. The collection he assembled would later become part of the Harvard Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, now on public display in the Harvard Science Center. G. $10

Mass308. No ID. Thayer Club Building. Harvard College. “Commons” or “Grub Shop” so-called. G. $20

Mass309. No ID. Holworthy Hall, Harvard. Used for dormitories. Built in 1812. Holworthy was named in 1812 in honor of a wealthy English merchant, Sir Matthew Holworthy, who died in 1678 having bequeathed £1,000 to Harvard — then the largest donation in the college’s history — “for the promotion of learning and the promulgation of the Gospel” in Cambridge. When it opened on August 18, 1812, then-President John Thornton Kirkland of Harvard referred to it as “Holworthy College.” It did not have indoor plumbing; for almost a century, students had to go outside to use the college’s pump. Rent was $26 per year. The dorm was originally used for all classes, as evidenced by famous residents like Thomas Bulfinch and Horatio Alger being housed in it multiple times, but was predominantly used for housing seniors during its early existence. By the turn of the 20th century, the senior classes expressed a desire to formally make the oldest Yard buildings — first Holworthy, then Hollis and Stoughton — their own and petitioned the college administration to make Holworthy a senior-only dormitory. By the hundredth anniversary of the dorm in 1912, about 1,300 men had lived in Holworthy. By 1904, Holworthy was fully a senior dorm. Although it was not considered as fashionable as some of the newer dorms, Holworthy and its neighbors on the Yard became the center of student life on campus. It also became known for housing many of the most prominent students within the college’s social life, including athletic team captains and managers, Lampoon presidents (including Robert Benchley ’12, who spoke at Holworthy’s centennial dinner), Advocate presidents, and the leaders of the college’s various musical groups. By the 1910s, the New York Times reported that Holworthy’s “record of men afterward illustrious who have occupied its rooms is probably longer than any similar list possessed by any other college building,” making it the “pet” dorm of seniors. With the other freshman dormitories in the Yard, Holworthy joined the Harvard–Yale sister colleges arrangement in 2005, when Harvard’s freshman dormitories — which are not otherwise formally affiliated with Harvard’s residential houses — became associated with Harvard houses and their counterparts among Yale University’s residential colleges. Holworthy was paired with Hollis Hall to become part of Winthrop House’s affiliation with Davenport College at Yale. The arrangement is subject to change. VG. $20

Mass311. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Matthews Hall, dormitories, built in 1871-2. Past notable residents include Philip Warren Anderson, Matt Birk, Matt Damon, John Dos Passos, Maura Healey, Barney Frank, William Randolph Hearst, Mark Penn, Daniel Quillen, Robert Rubin, Chuck Schumer, Lloyd Shapley, and Maurice Wertheim.G-. $10

Mass312. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Museum of Comparative Zoology, built in 1859. G. $10

Mass313. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Thayer Hall, dormitories, built in 1870. G. $10

Mass314. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Massachusetts Hall, for lectures, built 1719-20. Massachusetts Hall is the oldest surviving building at Harvard College, the first institution of higher learning in the British colonies in America, and second oldest academic building in the United States after the Wren Building at the College of William & Mary. As such, it possesses great significance not only in the history of American education but also in the story of the developing English Colonies of the 18th century. Massachusetts Hall was designed by Harvard Presidents John Leverett and his successor Benjamin Wadsworth. It was erected between 1718 and 1720 in Harvard Yard. It was originally a dormitory containing 32 chambers and 64 small private studies for the 64 students it was designed to house. During the siege of Boston, 640 American soldiers took quarters in the hall. Much of the interior woodwork and hardware, including brass doorknobs, disappeared at this time. While designed as a residence for students, the building has served many purposes through the years. After Thomas Hollis donated a quadrant and a 24-foot telescope in 1722, for example, the building housed an informal observatory.  Currently, the President of the University, Provost, Treasurer, and Vice Presidents have offices that occupy the first two floors and half of the third. Freshmen reside in the fourth floor. Massachusetts Hall, as Harvard’s oldest extant dormitory, has housed many influential people. Founding fathers who lived in Massachusetts Hall include John Adams, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Elbridge Gerry, and James Otis. Members of the Wigglesworth, Weld, Thayer, Eliot, and Lowell families (among others), whose names now grace other dormitories, also lived in Massachusetts Hall. More recent notable residents of Massachusetts Hall include Alan Jay Lerner, Elliot Richardson, John Harbison, and Jeff Schaffer. G. $10

Mass315. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. President’s House, built in 1838. G. $25

Mass316. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Divinity Hall, for divinity school, built in 1826. Divinity Hall is the oldest building in the Harvard Divinity School at Harvard University. It is located at 14 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Hall was designed by Solomon Willard and Thomas Sumner, and dedicated on August 29, 1826, with William Ellery Channing giving the dedicatory speech, “The Christian Ministry.” It was the first Harvard building constructed outside Harvard Yard. As George Huntston Williams wrote in his 1954 history of the Divinity School, theological students needed to be isolated from undergraduates lest they drink up “more of the spirit of the University than of the spirit of their profession.” A decade later, on July 15, 1838, Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered his famous Divinity School Address, “Acquaint Thyself at First Hand with Deity,” in the Hall. The building is a rectangular two story brick building, laid in Flemish bond, with only minimal brownstone trim. It has a hip roof that is only broken by a gable at the center of the long side, part of a projecting central section three bays wide. The building has a pair of entrances on either side of this central section, which are framed by Greek Revival Doric porticos. In its early days, Divinity Hall contained the entire Divinity School. It was later used as a dormitory, then classrooms. Notable residents have included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Theodore Parker, and philosopher George Santayana. Its chapel contains a fine organ by George S. Hutchings, recently restored. Today, the building houses classrooms, faculty offices, and several administrative offices, including the Office of Student Life, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Communications, and the Office of Development and External Relations. G. $25

Mass319. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Stoughton Hall, dormitories, built in 1804-5. Stoughton Hall is Harvard’s second building to be named Stoughton Hall. Designed by Charles Bulfinch, it was built by Thomas Dawes. The original Stoughton Hall was built in 1700 and funded by Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor William Stoughton, who also presided over the Salem witch trials. Past residents include Trip Hawkins, Jeremy Lin, Eric Maskin, Mehmet Oz, and Sydney Schanberg. G. $20

Mass320. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Weld Hall, dormitories, built in 1871-2. Weld was the second of two important additions to the Harvard campus designed by Ware & Van Brunt (the first being Memorial Hall). It was a gift of William Fletcher Weld, in memory of his brother Stephen Minot Weld, and represented a new trend toward picturesque silhouettes that became important in American domestic architecture of the later nineteenth century, as can be seen in the Queen Anne style which was popular during the same period. Past residents include Robert Bacon, Ben Bernanke, Michael Crichton, Christopher Durang, Daniel Ellsberg, Douglas J. Feith, Fred Grandy, Lionel de Jersey Harvard, Rashida Jones, Ryan Jones, John F. Kennedy, Douglas Kenney, Michael Kinsley, Vladimir Lehovich, Neil H. McElroy, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Patrick Harlan and Scott Weinger. G. $20

Mass322. No ID. Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass. Museum of Comparative Anatomy, built in 1859. This title was underlined but appears to have been erased so I am not certain which building this actually is. G. $25

Mass330. Watkins & Simmons, Pittsfield, Mass. Pittsfield Mass. R.R. Depot. G. $65

Mass335. No ID. Martha’s Vineyard Camp Ground. Cottages in Trinity Park. VG. $45

Mass336. Brownell & Graham, Fall River, Mass. Photographic Views in Wesleyan Grove and Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard. G. $45

Mass341. [John S. Moulton, Salem, Mass.] Hoosac Tunnel & Vicinity. 265. Entrance to Tunnel, West end. G. $35

Mass344. J.K. Patch, Shelburne Falls, Mass. Crew at railroad bridge following a train wreck. A locomotive can be seen on its side in the background. G. $85

Mass346. U.S. Stereoscopic Co., Boston. Hoosac Tunnel & Vicinity. 572. East Entrance, Looking in. VG. $35

Mass349. Hurd & Smith’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. 218. West Entrance or Arch. G. $25

Mass350. Hurd & Smith’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. 221. East End-Miners going in. G. $35

Mass351. Hurd & Smith’s Excelsior Gallery, North Adams, Mass. 220. End End-near view. G. $30

Mass353. John B. Sutcliffe, Holyoke, Mass. Holyoke and Vicinity. Series P, 90. The President and Mrs. McKinley and Party Entering Mt. Holyoke College Grounds, June 20, 1899. Governor Wolcott in the rear of the President. VG. $75

Mass354. American Photograph Company, Holyoke, Mass. Start of Building Westboro Reservoir. VG. $50

Mass355. F.J. Moore, Westfield, Mass. Roaring Camp Otis. VG. $35

Mass356. F.J. Moore, Westfield, Mass. Camp scene. G. $25

Mass360. E.J. Lazelle, Springfield, Mass. No. 85. City and River from Leary’s Long Hill. VG. $15

Mass378. Proctor Brothers, Gloucester, Mass. Cape Ann Scenery. 710. Party “Going a Fishing,” Magnolia Point. G. $25

Mass379. Proctor Brothers, Gloucester, Mass. Cape Ann Scenery. 1775-1875. Gloucester’s Centennial, August 9th. Stereoscopic Views of the Celebration. 227. Defiance Engine Co. No. 5, at Cape Pond Grove. Also titled on back No. 10. Members of Defiance Engine Co. No. 5, Joseph M. Marsh, Foreman, in line at the wharf at Cape Pond Grove. G-. $35

Mass382. Proctor Brothers, Gloucester, Mass. Cape Ann Scenery. 17. Front Street, looking east from “Old Corner.” VG. $45

Mass391. [Hervey Friend, phot]. John S.E. Rogers, Gloucester, Mass. publisher. Cape Ann Scenery. No. 28. Universalist Church Yard. VG. $35

Mass396. Heywood. Cape Ann Scenery. No. 23. Gloucester, south from Mt. Vernon. VG. $45

Mass397. Cape Ann Scenery. 631. General View of Rockport, Mass. VG. $35

Mass413. John S.E. Rogers, Gloucester, Mass., publisher. Cape Ann Scenery. No. 147 Quarry at Pigeon Cove, 2. G. $25

Mass414. E.G. Rollins, Gloucester, Mass. Cape Ann Scenery. Granite Wharf and Shipping, Pigeon Cove. VG. $25

Mass415. E.G. Rollins, Gloucester, Mass. Cape Ann Scenery. Pigeon Cove Granite Co.’s Quarry, No. 1. VG. $25

Mass417. John S.E. Rogers, Gloucester, Mass., publisher. Cape Ann Scenery. No. 805. Quarry. VG. $25

Mass426. E&HT Anthony. Holyoke, Mass. No. 8973. Looking up Dwight Street from Depot Hill. VG. $35

Mass429. E&HT Anthony. Holyoke, Mass. No. 8980. Upper Canal Gatehouse and Aqueduct Archway from River Bank. VG. $35

Mass430. E&HT Anthony. Holyoke, Mass. No. 8988. Lower Canal, Baptist Church and Holyoke House from the North. VG. $35

Mass434. J.D. Lawrence & Co., Northampton, Mass. No. 108. Looking down Conn. R.R. Road, near Holyoke. VG. $15

Mass448. No ID. Mason’s Cottage, Clinton Ave., Oak Bluffs. VG. $45

Mass462. Steamboat Landing at Sea View House, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Nick at right of right image. G. $45

Mass471. G.H. Nickerson, Provincetown. Cape Cod Views. Provincetown from High Pole Hill. VG. $50

Mass474. G.H. Nickerson, Provincetown. Cape Cod Scenery. Untitled overview of Provincetown. VG. $35

Mass475. J. Freeman, Nantucket. Untitled overview. VG. $35

Mass476. J. Freeman, Nantucket. Untitled lighthouse. VG. $50

Mass478. J. Freeman, Nantucket. Wrecked Brig Poinsett, taken Sept. 1st, 1870. G. $65

Mass480. S.F. Adams, New Bedford, Mass. Mr. Clark’s Cottage, of Providence, Martha’s Vineyard. VG. $25

Mass486. French & Sawyer, Keene, NH. No. 20. Interior A.P. Fairbank’s Drug Store, Worcester, Mass. G. $35

Mass488. P.W. Tennant, Haverhill, Mass. View of the Ruins of the Great Conflagration at haverhill, Mass, Feb. 17 & 18, 1882. VG. $45

Mass489. J.W. & J.S. Moulton, Salem, Mass. No. 24. Shrewsbury Railroad. VG. $65

Mass490. S. Towle, Lowell, Mass. Green School House, Lowell, Mass. VG. $20

Mass493. No. 6-State House. VG. $10

Mass497. Heywood, published by Frank Rowell, Boston, Mass. No. 114. View of Boston and Vicinity. Great Organ. VG. $12

Mass501. Herman Buchholz. Springfield Conflagration, May 30, 1875. 1. Vernon Street looking North-West. VG. $35

Mass502. S. Towle, Mass. Making-up Room, Lawrence Hosiery, Lowell, Mass. Dr. Geo. L. Harris, Overseer. VG. $50

Mass503. Boston, Mass. Large telescope on the commons. G. $30

Bar23. Delos Barnum. Harvard College Chapel, Cambridge. G. $20

Mass533. John S. Moulton, Salem, Mass. No. 309. View in Maolis Garden, Nahant. Kids on swings, soldier in uniform. VG. $20

Mass536. Quincy Dyer, Hardware shop, Hyde Park, Mass. VG. $25

Mass537. Beer Bros, New York. Roxbury, from Boston, Mass. VG. $35

Mass561. S.F. Adams, Oak Bluffs, Mass. Clinton Ave. Camp Ground, M.V. VG. $30

Mass562. Thomas Lewis, Cambridgeport, Mass. Interior lumber mill. Creases at corners but card is firm. G- $25

Mass563. North St. taken from Cor. West St. shows Baptist Steepleless Church, also England Block, next Academy Music, Pittsfield, Mass. VG. $45

Mass580. John P. Soule, Boston. No. 589. Park of Rifled Guns & Machine Shop, Navy Yard, Charlestown. G. $15

Mass581. F. Clark & Co., Pittsfield, Mass. and Vicinity. RR. Depot. G. $20

Mass600. The Duston Monument, Haverhill, Mass. Hannah Duston (also spelled DustinDustanDurstanDustunDunstun, or Durstun) (born Hannah Emerson, December 23, 1657 – March 6, 1736, 1737 or 1738) was a colonial Massachusetts Puritan woman who was taken captive by Abenaki people from Quebec during King William’s War, with her newborn daughter, during the 1697 raid on Haverhill, in which 27 colonists, 15 of them children, were killed. In her account she stated that the Abenaki killed her baby soon after they were captured. While detained on an island in the Merrimack River in present-day Boscawen, New Hampshire, she killed and scalped ten of the Native American family members holding them hostage, with the assistance of two other captives. Duston’s captivity narrative became famous more than 100 years after she died. During the 19th century, she was referred to as a folk hero and the “mother of the American tradition of scalp-hunting.” Some scholars assert Duston’s story became legend in the 19th century only because the United States used her story to defend its violence against Native Americans as innocent, defensive, and virtuous. Duston is believed to be the first American woman honored with a statue. G. $20

Mass627. No. 1625.–State Street, Boston, Mass. Great street scene, many signs. E. $75

Mass628. Kilburn Brothers. No. 237. View in Mt. Auburn. VG. $10

Mass629. Kilburn Brothers. No. 1004. Naushon Island. VG. $10

Mass632. Kilburn Brother. No. 1006. Sea View House, Martha’s Vineyard. VG. $15

Mass652. Shipping, Boston Harbor. G. $20

Mass654. John P. Soule. No. 578. Boston Harbor and East Boston, from State Street Block. G. $15

Mass702. Titan’s Piazza, Mt. Holyoke, front view. VG. $10

Mass703. T. Lewis, Cambridgeport. Mt. Wachusett, Mass. No. 23. Summit House, Mt. Wachusett. VG. $20

Mass704. Geo. T. Putnam, Barre, Mass. Barre Commons. G. $15

Mass710. Goldsmith & Lazelle, Springfield, Mass. Bridge with crowd of folks, maybe a dedication. VG. $15

Mass722. Milan P. Warner, Holyoke, Mass. Conn. River Dam. G. $15

Mass727. Ruins of Warren’s Button Shop, Mill River Flood. G. $15

Mass729. West Branch Mile River, Williamsburg. G. $10

Mass730. Knowlton Brothers. Northampton, Mass. Views in Mill River Valley After the Great Flood of May 16, 1874. William Skinner’s House, Skinnerville. G. $15

Mass738. Alden, Springfield, Mass. Haydenville Boarding House, Mill River Flood, Hampshire County, Mass. May 16, 1874. G. $15