IA1. J. Mueller, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Scene of a building under construction, lots of men on the unfinished roof. Top left corner crease on mount. G+. $75
IA4. J. Mueller, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Council Bluffs Iron Works from the South. VG. $85
IA6. I.L. Townsend, Iowa Falls, Iowa. No. 191. Washington Avenue, Iowa Falls. VG. $85
IA10. No ID. Manuscript on back: “Sept. 27th 1884.” This is the Capitol Building Des Moines, west side. G. $75
IA15. No ID. Park Avenue Bridge, Cedar Rapids-960 Feet Long. VG. $95
IA23. Titled on verso “Ancient Marshalltown. Main St. looking East.. E. $125
IA27. No ID. First National Bank, Marshalltown, Iowa. G. $75
IA30. M.M. Motts, Anamosa, Iowa. State Penitentiary scene with inmates. VG. $75
IA32. Iowa View Company, T.W. Townsend, Manager, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa Falls and Vicinity. No. 165. Silver Ripples, Rock Run. The photographer’s wagon is at the rear right. It appears that the photographer or his assistant is washing something in the water. VG. $65
IA37. A.W. Adams, Decorah, Iowa. Deer and Fawns. Vg. $10