IL2. John Sanftleben, Quincy, no label. Pencilled manuscript title on verso: “View from Sunset Hill of RR Bridge. Saw Mill & Vandivers iron planter works?” Obviously I can’t read the last part of this handwritten title. Nibbles at bottom of mount on right o/w VG. $150
IL4. John Sanftleben, Quincy, no label. Pencilled manuscript title on verso: “South Side Hampshire Street to Fourth Street.” VG. Many signs readable. There is an entrance to the right with images on display with sign over the door that looks like “W. Ahners Gallery.” There is a horse-drawn wagon with “Oriental Company” on it. Many other signs, “Land Office,” “Dentist,” grocery signs, etc. VG. $200
IL7. John Sanftleben, Quincy, no label. Pencilled manuscript title on verso: “Adams County Court House, South front; Jefferson School in the distance on the left.” VG. $100
IL8. John Sanftleben, Quincy. Beauties of the Gem City. Select Views of Quincy & Vicinity. St. Mary’s Institute for the Education of Young Ladies, 8th Street, cor. Vermont. VG. $85
IL9. Sanftleben & High, Quincy, Il. Beauties of the Gem City. Select Views of Quincy and Vicinity. No. 6. St. Aloysius Orphan Asylum, 20th & Vine St. There are 5 barefoot boys by the fence. VG. $75
IL22. J. Carbutt. Views of Chicago. 74-Michigan Southern R.R. Depot. VG. $50
IL32. P.B. Greene. Sherman House. VG. $35
IL47. No ID. Mill at Cleveland, Ill. VG. $45
IL85. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Untitled view of a long procession of women and girls in white outfits. VG. $150
IL86. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. La Salle County Old Settlers. Eleventh Annual Reunion and Picnic, at Hoes’ Grove, Ottawa, Illinois, August 14th, 1879. G. $150
IL87. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. La Salle County Old Settlers. Eleventh Annual Reunion and Picnic, at Hoes’ Grove, Ottawa, Illinois, August 14th, 1879. G. $150
IL88. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. La Salle County Old Settlers. Eleventh Annual Reunion and Picnic, at Hoes’ Grove, Ottawa, Illinois, August 14th, 1879. VG. $150
IL89. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. La Salle County Old Settlers. Eleventh Annual Reunion and Picnic, at Hoes’ Grove, Ottawa, Illinois, August 14th, 1879. G. $150
IL91. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. “Mixing of the Seasons.” New Year’s Calling on Wheels and Runners. G. $125
IL99. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Untitled view of a hunter with his rifle, game hanging behind him. Head trophy with antlers on the rock by his side. His horse stands in the background. Lower right corner is chipped and small dig at bottom of card beneath right image. G. $25
IL107. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Manuscript title in left margin “Sam Rhoads & Child.” G. $50
IL110. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Souvenirs of the Great Flood, Ice, Ruins, &c. at Ottawa, Illinois, February 17th, 1883. From Illinois River Bridge, N.E. showing Sanders’ Shop, Degen’s Barns, Victor Mills, &c., &c. G. $45
IL111. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Souvenirs of the Great Flood, Ice, Ruins, &c. at Ottawa, Illinois, February 17th, 1883. From Roller Mills, S.W. to Illinois River Bridge, showing Ruins, Dewey’s Foundry, Sanders’ Buildings, &c. VG. $50
IL112, W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Souvenirs of the Great Flood, Ice, Ruins, &c. at Ottawa, Illinois, February 17th, 1883. From Illinois River Bridge, N.E. showing Sanders’ Shop, Degen’s Barns, Victor Mills, &c., &c. VG. $50
IL113. W.E. Bowman, Ottawa, Ill. Souvenirs of the Great Flood, Ice, Ruins, &c. at Ottawa, Illinois, February 17th, 1883. From Illinois River Bridge, S.E. showing Mineral Spring Premises, Buildings, &c. G. $45
IL131. Fountain in the Exposition, Chicago. VG. $20
IL134. Lovejoy & Foster. No. 37. Crosby’s Opera House, before and after the fire. VG. $35
IL135. Lovejoy & Foster. No. 10. Bookseller’s row, State St. Before and after the fire. VG. $35
IL153. J. Carbutt. Views of Chicago. 121-Interior Section of the Chicago Lake Tunnel. VG. $75
IL154. H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wis. Views at Libby Prison, Chicago. 1793. Interior View. E. $75
IL155. H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wis. Views at Libby Prison, Chicago. 1794. Interior View. E. $75
IL156. H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wis. Chicago and Vicinity. 314. On board the Caravel Santa Maria, looking forward. E. $75
IL157. H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wis. Chicago and Vicinity. 315. Under the Bow of the Caravel Santa Maria. E. $75
IL158. H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wis. Chicago and Vicinity. 316. On board the Caravel Santa Maria, looking aft. E. $75
ANST256. H.H. Bennett, Kilbourn City, Wis. Chicago and Vicinity. 317. Herd of Buffalo in Lincoln Park. E. $35
IL176. J. Carbutt, Chicago. Glimpses of the Great West. No. 47. Court House, North East View, Chicago, Ill. G. $35
IL178. State Street, North from Madison, Chicago. VG. $45
IL179. Moody’s Church, Chicago Ave., Chicago. VG. $20
IL180. Clark Street, North from Lake, Chicago. VG. $35
IL188. Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. VG. $20