CV2. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 8. Column of Hercules. Is also in the “Gothic Chapel.” It is formed by the union of stalactites and stalagmites, is eight feet in height and thirty in circumference. The length of time necessary to form such a column may be inferred from the fact that it takes fifty years to form an incrustation no thicker than a wafer. VG. $35
CV4. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 10. Devil’s Arm Chair. In “Gothic Avenue” is a large column about 500 yards beyond the chapel. There is a niche or seat in it in which one of the guides may be seen sitting. The ceiling of Gothic Avenue is singularly beautiful as the stalactites assume the most fantastic shapes. In the niche of this column the celebrated Jenny Lind rested for some time during her visit to the cave. VG. $25
CV5. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 12. Wandering Willie’s Spring. Is a small rill of water trickling down from the roof and the wall of rock on the left hand side of the Main Cave beyond the “Rotunda” and “Methodist Church.” It is named after a country violinist who wandered away from his party, had his lamp extinguished and was found lying asleep beside the spring. On the left will be observed some names of visitors cut on the rock. The spring is about half a mile from the entrance. VG. $25
CV6. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 16. Entrance to Long Route. Is on the left of “Giant’s Coffin” and so narrow and low that visitors have to stoop almost to the ground in passing through it. On the right may be seen the end of Giant’s Coffin. By some it is supposed that the water receded from the main cave through this passage. VG. $35
CV10. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 29. Bacon Chamber. Is situated to the right of “River Hall” which is entered from “Great Relief.” The curious projections from the roof resembling flitches of bacon, are caused by the action of water at a period when the chamber was completely filled with water. It is one of the best views taken in the cave. VG. $35
CV12. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 33. Cliffs Over the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is a black ominous looking body of water, about 40 feet below the terrace on which the three persons in the picture are standing. Visitors pass along the terrace and descend the ladder on their way to the river. The sea lies below the foot of the rock over which the parties in the view are looking. VG. $30
CV20. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 42. The Last Rose of Summer. E. $35
CV25. C.H. James, Philadelphia. Electric Light Views in the Caverns of Luray, at Luray Station (Page Co., Virginia), Shenandoah Valley Railroad. 41. Saracen’s Tent. VG. $15
CV31. Negative by Chas. Waldack, Cincinnati, Ohio. Published by E&HT Anthony. Mammoth Cave Views. No. 25. Grand Crossing. G. $20
CV33. Keystone. 9586-Great Oregon Caves, One of the Main Passages, Oregon. VG. $12