Cal993. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 408. The Cliff House. 3-cent tax stamp on verso. VG. $150

Cal994. Watkins’ New Series. 772. At the Cliff House, San Francisco. From the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection. G. $95

Cal996. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 406. Cliff House, Seal Rocks and Pacific Ocean. From the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection. G. $95

Cal998. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 162. From Pine and Powell Streets-Towards Mission Bay. From the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection. VG. $135

Cal1001. Watkins’ New Series. 3003. The Cliff House and Environs, San Francisco. G. $150

Cal1003. J.J. Reilly. 121. Market Street, from Fifth looking East, San Francisco. G. $125

Cal1009. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 226. N.E. cor. California and Leidesdorff Sts. G. $135

Cal1010. C.E. Watkins, Pacific Coast. Fireman’s Fund. G. $125

Cal1011. Watkins’ Pacific Coast. 939. Merchants’ Exchange, San Francisco. VG. $125

Cal1016. Watkins’ Pacific Coast. 764. Panorama from Russian Hill, San Francisco (No. 3). VG. $150

Cal1017. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 180. The Grand Hotel, New Montgomery Street front, San Francisco. G. $100

Cal1019. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 182. The Grand Hotel-Cor. of Market and New Montgomery Streets. VG. $75

Cal1021. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 142. Lick House-Montgomery Street, San Francisco. G. $175

Cal1023. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 141. Montgomery Street-From Occidental Hotel, looking North. G. $125

Cal1024. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 140. Occidental Hotel, Montgomery Street from the Russ House. G. $125

Cal1029. Watkins’ New Series. 669. Golden Gate, San Francisco. VG. $135

Cal1030. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 355. Looking North East-from corner of California and Powell Streets. G. $75

Cal1034. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Central Pacific Railroad. 1298. Snow Sheds below Cisco-Exterior. G. $125

Cal1038. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Sutter Street Cable Road. G. $275

Cal1041. J.J. Reilly, Marysville, Cal. No. 192. Snow Sheds near Blue Canyon, C.P.R.R. Cal. VG. $125

Cal1050. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Lake Tahoe. 662. Eagle Falls-Emerald Bay, West Shore of Lake Tahoe. E. $200

Cal1066. Watkins’ Pacific Coast. 1720. Docking the China, Hunters Point Dry Dock. G. $250

Cal1072. J.J. Reilly, Marysville, Cal. No. 215. Eastern Bound Tea Train at Blue Canyon, C.P.R.R. Cal. VG. $325

Cal1076. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Central Pacific Railroad. 1304. Interior View of Snow Shed – C.P.R.R. VG. $150

The following article describes the events illustrated in Cal1078-Cal1089. Some of these images have been sold and are no longer listed here.

From the Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 2, Number 77, 20 May 1876:

THE GREAT BARBECUE AT LODI-SIX THOUSAND PEOPLE PRESENT. The Farmers Out In Force— A Notable Celebration—A Bit of History— What It Was All About, and How It Was Carried Out.

Yesterday was a great day at Lodi. This is a pretty little town thirty-five miles from Sacramento and thirteen from Stockton, on the line of the Western Division of the Central Pacific Railroad, and was yesterday the scene of a notable celebration the like of which is seldom witnessed. It was the enthusiastic out-pouring of a great body of the people; the bone and sinew of the land; the hardy pioneers of the plains; the men and women of the north part of San Joaquin county, who give vigor to its life and bring prosperity to its doors. “The groves were God’s first temples,” and in one of these tabernacles, midst fair ranks of trees, that mingled their mossy boughs and shook their green leaves in the warm southern breeze, the sturdy men of the soil yesterday assembled, just at the edge of the beautiful village with the historic name; assembled in a celebration, such as has scarcely a parallel in the history of our golden State; they made peaceful manifestation of their exuberant joy over a triumph won, not by force of arms or power of might, but upon the equal fields of the laws broad domain.

What it Was. It was a celebration conceived in honest joy, devised and executed in the brief period of three days. It was the rejoicing of the settlers upon Los Moquelemos Rancho over a victory won at the bar of the highest Court of the Nation ; a victory which means in all fullness secured homes, end of strife, death to uncertainty, and the establishment of the law’s decree. On the 13th inst. the news of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in favor of the settlers upon the Rancho, having been a few days before received, as if by one impulse the people Met In Mass Assembly At Stockton to devise means to give fitting expression to the joy the settlers on the Raucho felt. L. H. Brannock was called to preside over the assemblage, which was one of the largest and by all odds the most enthusiastic which ever assembled in the city of Stockton. W. McK. Carson was chosen Secretary. There was no need for speech making. That meeting  was too lull for such feeble utterance of its sentiments. Action was the word ; expense was out of consideration. “Accomplish first, and foot the bills afterwards,” was the watchword. The great American safety-valve, “celebration,” must be lifted, and the exuberance of feeling allowed full vent. So, it was with one loud, strong voice, a voice echoed in its peal back to the pillared walls of the Supreme Court Room at Washington, a voice of the great people, that it was resolved To Celebrate, And how? How else but by roar of gun and explosion- of harmless cartridge ; by bray of metal music, and shout of delighted crowds? How else but by a great gathering beneath the shades of the valley ? How else but by a union of hearts and hands in the balmy May time, in the beautiful grove at Lodi, where the sun ” Pours out on the fair earth His quiet smile, The sweetest of the year.” And so it was resolved. With the American citizen to resolve to celebrate, means to celebrate. From the womb of the resolution the act of the American is born, full fledged and grown. Then came the detail.’ No time was to be lost. Cities take months, towns take weeks, nations take years to prepare for a glorification. But the farmers of San Joaquin wanted but hours. SEVENTY-TWO HOURS Was declared sufficient — the word was given ; all over the Moquelemos the news went winded on the fleet pinions of joy, and while the towns and cities were yet asking what it all meant, the celebration was an accomplished fact. The sons of the soil would celebrate but not alone; their rejoicing was too big with importance to know bounds; they invited their market city to take part, the citizens of Stockton, with their wives and daughters and rosy lasses, their boys and men, their merchants and bankers and lawyers and all, to come — come one day to the woods away ” And leave vain, low strife, that makes men mad. The tug for wealth and power, The passions and the cares that, wither life. And waste its little hour.” And they accepted ; they closed their stores ; they shut up their banks; they put on their best; they ceased the toil of troublous business; they put up the shutters and took down the Sunday hats. They Made a Holiday In Stockton ; they rose with the sun, rolled out their guns, and got the Silver Cornet Band up betimes. They paraded the streets yesterday at early morn, and beat dusty time in their streets to martial strains ; they ran the starry banner up aloft; they fired nine rousing guns in honor of the Supreme Judges of the great American Union ; they fired a national salute which spoke with nearly twice a score of sulphurous tongues to all the land ; they fired a salute in honor of Hon. S. A. Booker, Judge of the Fifth District Court of California, whose judgment had been for them ; and then, with their local military, the Stockton Guard, and civic societies, they marched to the depot and took the train for Lodi. But many drove to the grounds — in a long line of tramping horses and rolling carriages to the spot chosen for the rejoicing ; drove amidst the beauties of the plain, “Fringing the dusty road with harmless First pledges of blithesome May;” Drove along the meadows where in the sun the cattle graze, and toward the Sierras’ footstools, the ” gay company of hills” that look down on the green fields below, on the spot chosen for the great rejoicing, crowned with A Green Coronal of Leaves. The grounds at Lodi were admirably chosen, and in all ways fitted for the occasion. The Committee of Arrangements were early on hand. These consisted of W. McK. Carson, David Kittleman, B. S. Sanders, Ezra Fiske, A.W. Gove, Charles Yolland, David Dodge and John Grattan, with H. S. Sargent as President of the Day; John C. White, Marshal; and Hon. R. C. Sargent, L. D. Shippee and S. V. Tredway as a Finance Committee. These were aided by a number of sub-committees, and the action of all was so speedy, so prompt, so complete, that though they had but three days for preparation, yesterday morning all, things were ready. The night before, Thomas J. Tatum, who was chosen ” Generalissimo of the Roast,” came upon the grounds, and, with his assistants, Jacob Rifle, Joseph R. Taylor, Charles Stratton and William Irwin, began The Barbecue. A trench on the edge of the grove was dug in the earth, some one hundred feet long, five feet wide, and three feet deep. Great fires were built, and heaping beds of glowing coals soon resulted. Then the coals were put in the bottom of the pit; over and across the excavation scores of iron rods were laid, and on these were spitted 17 sheep, 3 hogs, 5 beeves, and 2 calves. Then the cooking began. It was 8 o’clock in the evening, but all night long General Tatum— may the new handle to his name ever cling — stood like a conqueror and basted with prepared sauces the luscious roasting flesh, while his assistants turned the mutton and veal and beef from side to side over the glowing embers. Two great platforms were laid, and over one a bright new canvas was suspended, to give due shade to those who would dance. At one end a neat platform and music stand was erected ; on all sides were tables — long, short, round and square — placed under the best shades, while row upon row of counters were built to serve the meats upon. The Grand Marshal bad a spacious tent, which was the Commissary’s quarters, and contained cones of bread stacked up and ready for the multitude and the feast. Swings were put up for the children, rings and trapeze bars for gymnasts, paths cleared tor races, pumps mounted in wells, seats built in cozy nooks and under comforting shades, lines established for teams, entrances fixed, and committee guards mounted at all necessary points. The stars and stripes floated from tree tops, over the platforms, and decorated all the stands. Numbers of refreshment stands were permitted, while lemonade and ice cream men and confectioners and fruit peddlers were to be met on every hand. By 8 o’clock the people began to show in crowds. Every road leading to the town was lined with vehicles, the Cherokee gravel toll road was made free for the day, and over it rolled long processions of wagons, carriages and buggies. From all directions, in all conceivable styles of vehicles the people came. No one was left at home. Families came as such, the head, the body and the nursery. By 9 o’clock 2,000 people had arrived. All were in holiday attire. The groves echoed with the shouts of childish voices, the ring of women’s tones, and the huzzas of men. The horses picketed all about seemed to partake of the enthusiasm and nodded “their flag-bedecked heads and neighed as if imbued with the spirit of the occasion. The freight trains brought passengers, the stages came loaded down and every moment added to the crowd and the enthusiasm. Four photographers appeared and pitched their tents, peddlers opened up temporary booths, and the gamblers from afar off, scenting out the gathering, came and plied their avocations, on the outskirts of the grounds, too fearful of the keen-eyed committee men to trench upon the space they controlled. At 10 o’clock there was the Sound of a Whistle, Announcing the coming of the Stocktonians. There was a welcoming rush to the depot, and presently the special train of twenty cars, crowded to overfullness, rolled into the station. What an outpouring was there. One thousand eight hundred people from the slough city were added to the growing throng. They were representative people too, of all trades and businesses and professions, and the ladies too seemed to vie with the men in numbers and the determination to appear well and do honor to the day. The Procession. Now the Grand Marshal, mounted, appeared and formed the line of the procession, and the march to the grove began. It was led by the Stockton silver cornet band, twelve pieces, with leader Woodman at its head. Then came the Stockton Guard, in company uniform, fifty men rank and file marching in fine order, and presenting a soldierly appearance. Next was the Chief Engineer of Stockton, James Brown, supported by his Assistant Engineers. Then came Eureka Fire Company No. 2, in uniform, led by foreman Crawford. Next was Eureka Hose Company No. 2. Then a company of the Charter Oak Lodge, No. 20, Knights of Pythias, in full encampment uniform, commanded by J. C. Spencer, P. C. Members of the San Joaquin Society of California Pioneers, with badges; officers and citizens of Stockton on foot, the Woodbridge base ball club, the Stockton base ball club, farmers of San Joaquin, with the orator of the day and committees of the celebration, invited guests and others, and last of all Sheriff Cunningham and a squad of deputies. As the procession moved the artillery near at hand under command of Captain Hussey, began a Centennial salute of seventy-six guns, firing with regularity and stunning effect. So with the waving of flags, cheers for this, that and the other, the roar of guns, the blare of music, the procession moved to the grove and took position in front of the speakers’ stand. The Exercises. President of the Day Sargent was then conducted to the stand by the Marshal, and order was called. Mr. Sargent said the vast concourse of people was assembled to celebrate the announcement on the 8th of May of a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Newhall vs. Sawyer. In the name of the settlers of the Moquelemos rancho he bid all welcome. It was intended to be a day of gladness, and to make hereafter the 8th of May a standing holiday on the rancho, in commemoration of the release of the people from trials and troubles about their homes, and from the system of land grabbing in California. James Hoffman was then elected Secretary, and the following gentlemen Vice Presidents : Rev. Mr. Yeager, Andrew Wolfe, Ezra Fiske, B. S. Sanders, Jas. Cole, Cornelius Swain, H. C. Shattuck, John Grattan and Mr. Harrison. The President then introduced the Speaker of Day, Hon. J. H. Budd, who was greeted with applause. Mr. Budd spoke with great earnestness, and severely at times. He said the booming of cannon, the waving of flags, the sounds of music and the presence of such a vast concourse before him, expressed more forcibly than language could depict the appreciation “of the people of the justice of the decision they had met to celebrate. The history of the settlers in the Moquelemos ranch was a long one, and their struggle to protect the results of their industry had been an eventful one : Years ago, south of the Mokelumne river, hundreds of settlers redeemed land supposed to be worthless. An attempt was made to take it from them so soon as thev had made it valuable. Von Schmidt, a Deputy United States Surveyor, ran the lines of a pretended grant and included the homes of hundreds of citizens. They fought that claim a long time in the Courts, and after years of conflict defeated the Cheboya grant. “They thought their homes then secure; but then came the cloud over them, the grant called Los Moquelemos. It was endorsed by the District Court of the United States at San Francisco, and many of the settlers bought the title, fraudulent though it was, and in time the Supreme Court rejected it, and the people thought surely peace had now settled over them. They got Government titles and rested in quiet. But in 1862 the Central Pacific Railroad Was chartered to build east from Sacramento, but not to build in San Joaquin county, and it never pretended it had any right to do so, or that it had claim to lands in San Joaquin. In 1864 one McLaughlin, claiming to be a contractor for the Western Pacific Railroad, entered into a contract with the Contract and Finance Company by which the Central Pacific Railroad assigned to McLaughlin all claim for land they might have in San Joaquin under their Government grant. McLaughlin was to get the aid lands within twenty-five miles of the railroad. Congress never gave or intended to give to the Central Pacific Railroad any lands in San Joaquin, but McLaughlin went to Congress and got an Act through to ratify, what, was in fact a void contract, and so the ratification was void. The Register of the land office certified lands in San Joaquin as belonging to the railroad and patents issued for the lands the best in the county. Then the litigation began. R. C. Sargent started the fight, and he and Tredway and Kittleman employed attorneys and went before the Secretary of the Interior, who decided in favor of the settlers, and that there were no railroad lands in the county. The Attorney General affirmed the decision, and it was thought all was settled. But Secretary Delano reversed the decision of his predecessor, and said the lands belonged to the railroad. Many of the settlers then bought up that title and got deeds. Next, McLaughlin brought an action against Sargent to prove the settlers had no rights. Sargent had bought under the Act of 1866, made his proof, paid the Government and got his patent as did others. In the answer, Sargent alleged the Western Pacific Railroad had no right to the lands. That issue in that suit has never been tried. Meanwhile an agreed case was got up by McLaughlin. He had Newhall, his brother-in-law, sue Sawyer, also a brother-in-law, or a relative, The case went by default and got quietly up to the Supreme Court, when George C. L. Robinson discovered what was going on and the settlers appeared, astonishing Newhall with the number of friends he suddenly had to help on the suit. That suit has just been decided, and it is in favor of the settlers, and that the settlers’ title is good. It came like a clap of thunder in a clear sky to Newhall ; he was the most astonished of men, to bear be had a good title and that the lands didn’t belong to the railroad. Mr. Budd then paid a high tribute to Judge S. A. Booker, of the Fifth District Court, who had held in his Court in favor of the settlers’ title. He also paid a high compliment to all of California’s Senators and Representatives in Congress, who, he said had stood by the settlers in the fight without regard to party, all alike aiding the settler’s cause. The crowd then gave three cheers for Judge Booker and three cheers for the orator. We have presented only a brief synopsis of Mr. Budd’s speech sufficient to show the History of the Case. Subsequently he gave a more succinct statement of the case as understood by the settlers : That in 1862 odd sections were granted to the railroad to aid in building a road from the navigable waters of the Sacramento or Pacific coast near San Francisco. The Central Pacific Railroad was chartered to build from Sacramento East. The Western Pacific Railroad was built from Sacramento south and west. That in 1864 the grant was extended by including lands each side the railroad of odd sections from 10 to 20 miles. That in the fall of  1864 the Central Pacific Railroad assigned to the Western Pacific Railroad any and all rights it might have if any to lands from a point twenty miles south of Sacramento.  March 3, 1865, Congress passed an Act confirming the assignment. That at the time of the land grants to the Central Pacific Railroad, for lands embraced in the north part of San Joaquin county, south of the Mokelumne river was claimed by one Pico as a Mexican grant called the Los Moquelemcs. That grant was finally rejected in February, 1865. The railroad claimed that it had a right to the odd sections covered by that grant. The settlers claimed the railroad took none of the lands by its grant, within the limits of the Moquelemos on the ground that such lands were reserved by the United States at the time of the land grant to the railroad. That in Newhall vs. Sawyer, the Supreme Court of the United States decided in favor of the settlers. That by ‘ reserved,” it is to be understood to mean that the lands were held by the Government, subject to the determinaiion of the Pico claim, and the Supreme Court of the United States held that while so holding them the Government did not intend to include them in a grant to the railroad. The Moquelemos Rancho includes the whole country between the Mokelumne river and the Calaveras river, some fourteen or fifteen miles in width, and from the tules on the west to the foothills in the east, some thirty or forty miles in length. There are, as near as we could learn, about 600 settlers with families on the sections involved in the decision, and about 5,000 people in all living on the whole tract. The Remaining Exercises. The concourse, at the close of the speech of Judge Budd, was dismissed for the festivities. By this time it is within limits to say there were not less than 6,000 people on the grounds. A more orderly representative body of that size is seldom seen. The settlers were all such as impress the beholder with their industrious character; strong, hardy, courteous, and appearing well to do; intelligent, ready, and of the class which go to make up the strength and pride of the country. The visitors from town and city were, like their hosts, in for a day’s enjoyment, and both parltes, up to the hour of our leaving, conducted themselves with perfect propriety, the best of order being maintained, there being no loud noises or brawling, no vituperation or abuse of opponents, no inflammatory utterances nothing but the quiet, hearty demeanor of a prosperous people out for a holiday to commemorate an event of importance to them. There were farmers and business men from different parts of the State, some of them coming long distances to take part in the celebration. As illustrative of the representative men on the grounds, we name a few who appear in our notes: Mayor Buck, of Stockton ; members of the Common Council of Stockton, the Chief Engineer of Stockton, Dr. Kelsey, ex-Mayor Doak, Dr. Clark, Dr. Stockton, Mr. Soutbman, Mr. Helden, T. W. Trahern, H. F. Hubbard, Wm. Sperry, R. B. Lane, H. E. Hall and other business representatives. Among the farmers we noted S. V. Tredway, R. C. Sargent, H. S. Sargent, John White, Jacob Brock. Mr. Gove, John Parrott, Wm. Ennis, John Katitz, Thomas and Robert Taylor, and others such as those named before as officers of the celebration, and men of that class and standing. When the vast concourse had eaten to fullness and the roast meats and pyramids of bread had been distributed, the music began, and the young people preempted the dancing floor and held it bravely to the close. The music of the band was excellent, and tbe calling clear aud unmistakable. Tbe military company marched to selected grounds and engaged in target shooting for prizes offered by the settlers. These were four in number, $20, $15, $10 and $5. The Stockton, Woodbridge and Lockeford baseball clubs selected grounds, and a match began for a premium of $25, offered by the settlers. As we left arrangements were being made for races for prizes offered by the settlers. These were us follows : Fat man’s race. 100 yards, $5 ; and from the number of fat men present we doubt not that race was more than interesting. Foot race for all, 100 yards, $5. Race for boys under 13 years, 100 yards. $5. Race for ladies, 50 yards. $5. Race for misses under 15 years, 50 yards, $5. Sack race, 50 yards, $5. Blind race, 50 yards, $5. Pig race, $5 and the pig. Hundreds of people formed in groups and picnicked beneath the oaks of the grove, having brought ample luncheon, and these gatherings were the most social of all. At one point on the grounds a double wagon was mounted with a huge cask holding Six Hundred gallons of iced claret punch, which was free for all who came. After the cask was opened the “Centennial Punch” lasted just 45 minutes, so thoroughly did the people sample it. On each side this huge punch bowl was the inscription, “Long live the Supreme Judges of the United States.” Over the cask was an illuminated inscription, very neatly printed, reading, “The Settlers’ True Friend, Frank Page.” A noticeable feature of the barbecue was the great number of fine teams driven to the grounds. We do not remember having seen at any public country gathering so many fine turnouts nor quite so much skillful driving. By the overland train we left the grounds, the people then being in the height of enjoyment, the management working perfectly, and all things being conducted in a manner to reflect credit upon the taste, skill and judgment of the committees in charge. We learn that the barbecue closed about 6 p. m., the trains returning to Stockton at that hour with the residents of that city, and the roads in every direction being lined with the departing thousands of the people. But enough remained to fill the Spencer House, where last night a grand ball was given, and the living feet of rural maids and matrons and the sons of agriculture, kept time to waning hours until this morning’s dawn warned them of the duties of another day at hand.

Cal1079. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $75

Cal1080. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $75

Cal1081. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $150

Cal1082. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $75

Cal1083. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $95

Cal1084. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $125

Cal1085. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $95

Cal1087. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. VG. $125

Cal1088. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. On back is written “May 1876.” This event is described in the lengthy description above. Image has a crease at center. G. $125

Cal1090. J. Pitcher Spooner, Stockton. “LaRocke” wins the 4 yr. and 3 yr. old race at Stockton. VG. $75

Cal1092. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. California. 86. New Almaden Quicksilver Works. General view. E. $375

Cal1106. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 413. Seal Rocks and the Pacific Ocean-from the Cliff House. (Instantaneous.) G. $15

Cal1107. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 798. Hydraulic Mining-Timbuctoo Diggings, Yuba Co. E. $375

Cal1109. E. Anthony. California. No. 12. Big Tree in Mariposa Grove 94 Feet in Circumference. Image is by Weed. Slip on sleeve conjectures that the man is Muybridge or possibly a Weed self-portrait. E. $500

Cal1110. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 89. New Almaden quicksilver Furnaces. The Adobe Yard in the foreground. 3-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. 1865 copyright line in right margin. G. $650

Cal1115. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 826. Scene in Dutch Flat-The Pack Train. 1865 copyright line in right margin. Remnants of tax stamp obvious on verso. VG. $500

Cal1118. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 183. San Francisco-From the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Looking North. Telegraph Hill….Sansome Street. Remnants of tax stamp obvious on verso. 1865 copyright line in right margin. VG. $275

Cal1119. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 215. View on the Summit of the Sierra Nevada, Leading down into Lake Va? (label cut off). Wagons moving through deep cut in snow. 1864 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. VG. $400

Cal1121. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 552. Second Street, from Market, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. Note title written in sky of the right image. VG. $250

Cal1122. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 796. Hydraulic Mining-Washing down the bank into the Sluice. 1865 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent tax stamp on verso. G. $200

Cal1123. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 802. Hydraulic Mining-The Big Boulder, Kentucky Claim, Timbuctoo. 1865 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent tax stamp on verso. G. $200

Cal1124. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 799. Hydraulic Mining, at Timbuctoo, Yuba County. 1865 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent tax stamp on verso. VG. $200

Cal1125. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 804. Hydraulic Mining-The Sluice Flumes, at Timbuctoo, Yuba County. 1866 copyright line in right margin. VG. $300

Cal1126. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 795. Hydraulic Mining-Behind the Pipes. 1865 copyright line in right margin. Partial 3-cent tax stamp on verso. VG. $250

Cal1127. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 760. Napa City and Churches, Napa County. 1866 copyright line in left margin. VG. $200

Cal1129. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 165. San Francisco, from cor. Market and 6th Street-Looking North to Powell and California Street. 1865 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. VG. $200

Cal1130. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 150. Montgomery St., San Francisco, Instantaneous. From Eureka Theatre. 1865 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. G. $200

Cal1131. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 209. Merchants’ Exchange building, south side of California Street, bet. Leidesdorff and Montgomery, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. VG. $150

Cal1132. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 181. Entrance to Cosmopolitan Hotel. Remnants of tax stamp obvious on verso. 1865 copyright line in right margin. VG. $200

Cal1134. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 216. Protestant Orphan Asylum, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. VG. $200

Cal1135. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 356. From corner California and Powell Streets, Looking East, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. VG. $200

Cal1136. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 377. Second Street, from Rincon Hill, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. G. $150

Cal1137. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 456. First Presbyterian Church, Stockton Street, San Francisco. 1865 copyright line in right margin. G+. $200

Cal1138. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 441. Telegraph Hill from First Street, Rincon Hill, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. VG. $200

Cal1139. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. 432. North Beach and Meiggs’ Wharf. G-. $75

Cal1140. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 457. Starr King’s Church. 1865 copyright line in right margin. Remnants of removed tax stamp on verso. VG. $200

Cal1143. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 503. Lincoln School House, Fifth Street, from corner Market, San Francisco. 1866 copyright line in right margin. G. $125

Cal1146. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 77. Santa Clara College and Cathedral. 1864 copyright line in right margin. VG. $300

Cal1149. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 221. View from the Eastern Summit Sierra Nevada Mountains, Lake Tahoe and Western Summit in the distance. 1865 copyright line in right margin. 3-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. G. $150

Cal1150. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 409. Seal Rocks. 1865 copyright line in right margin. Remnants of tax stamp obvious on verso. VG. $75

Cal1152. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 645. Nick of the Woods-A very Singular Tree-Valley of Lake Tahoe, near view. 1866 copyright line in right margin. G. $75

Cal1153. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 777. Castle Peak, from Summit Valley, Placer Co. Dutch Flat and Donner Lake Wagon Road. 1866 copyright line in left margin. G. $45

Cal1159. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Geyser Road Views. 1187. Clark Foss and his Geyser Team, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $150

Cal1161. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1168. Indian Sweat Bath, Sonoma County, Cal. Very slight trim at bottom. G. $35

Cal1163. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1158. Witches’ Cauldron, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $85

Cal1165. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1146. Geyser Hotel, Sonoma County, Cal., J.C. Susenbeth, Proprietor. VG. $150

Cal1171. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Geyser Road Views. 1183. View from the Stage road, below Pine Flat, Sonoma County, Cal. G. $25

Cal1179. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1172. The Geyser Hotel, from the Crater, Sonoma County, Cal. G. $20

Cal1182. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1163. Witches’ Cauldron and Devil’s Pulpit, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $65

Cal1183. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1164. Witches’ Cauldron and Devil’s Pulpit, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $65

Cal1184. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1161. Witches’ Cauldron, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $35

Cal1186. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1160. Witches’ Cauldron, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $50

Cal1193. Thomas Houseworth & Co., San Francisco. Great Geyser Springs. 1155. Looking up Geyser Canon, Sonoma County, Cal. VG. $35



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