Bar1. American Historical Series. Washington’s Head-Quarters. Cambridge, Mass. Deblois Barnum 1859 copyright line on label. E. $75
Bar6. Minnehaha Lake George. VG. $60
Mass302. Barnum. Military Review for Prince of Wales, Boston Common, Oct. 1860. VG. $75
Bar13. Fort Lee Landing, Hudson River. Note on verso seems to indicate that the ship in the view, the Thomas E. Hulse, was lost on March 30, 1875 in ice, at New York. G. $35
Bar14. High Rock Spring, Saratoga. VG. $35
Bar15. Music Stand, Saratoga. VG. $35
Bar17. East Side of Lake George. VG. $25
Bar18. Interior of Suspension Bridge. VG. $25
Bar22. Merrimac River, Nashua NH. VG. $35