Lit750. Goodman, Paul. Sparrow 58, a monthly produced by Black Sparrow Press, each issued dedicated to a single author. This is Three Early Stories by Paul Goodman. July 1977. None of these stories had ever been published previously. 16 pages, unnumbered. Paper. G. $8
Lit1350. Mrabet, Mohammed. Sparrow 37, a monthly produced by Black Sparrow Press, each issued dedicated to a single author. This is Hadidan Aharam by Mohammed Mrabet, Taped & Translated from the Moghrebi by Paul Bowles. October 1975. 16 pages, unnumbered. Paper. VG. $8
Lit2050. Thompson, Lydia. The Hounds of Spring. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1926. First Edition. Very nice condition, gilt titles on cover and spine. VG. $15
Lit3000. I read with great interest Sean Nolan’s article in the 2017-2018 Daguerreian Annual titled “A Tale of Two Collectors: The Daguerreotype / Literary Annual Connection.” A while back I acquired this beautiful book titled The Keepsake: A Gift for the Holidays, published by John C. Riker in New York in 1853. I was attracted to it initially thinking it would house a full-plate daguerreotype and was surprised to see that it was a book made for gifting.The beautiful Mother-of-Pearl cover is similar to daguerreotype cases and Sean’s article delineates the connection. This book was Presented to “Carrie by brother Horace, Christmas 1866.” It’s profusely illustrated with fine steel engravings and would have made a wonderful gift. It measures 9.5″ x 7.” VG. $150