ppcdv14.JPG (7976 bytes)
Boissonnas, Geneva. Charles Loyson, called Pere Hyacinthe Loyson (1827-1912). Liberal French pulpit orator with reputation for eloquence. CDV. G+. $20

ppcdv23.JPG (11200 bytes)
J. Laurent y Cia., Madrid. CDV of a man with decorative embroidered vest, hat, tasseled boots, and long pole over his shoulder. VG. $100

Kunst-Verlag der Photographischen Gesellschaft, Berlin. Leonhardt, Count von Blumenthal. Prussian general; Chief of staff army of the Crown Prince in Franco-Prussian War. VG. $25

Alex Bassano, London. Types of English Beauty, No. 10. Miss Moore. VG. $125

Swain, St. Paul. Cabinet Card of two serious-looking hunters with pistols, rifles, one holding a telescope as well. Both identified with names written in the image. Man on left is Axel Nilson, man on right is Olaf Ochine? VG. $200

E. Anthony, NY. John B. Gough (1817-1886). Renowned Temperance orator. Trimmed at bottom. VG. $85

E. Anthony, NY. Jacob Barker (1779-1871). Financier, lawyer; founded Exchange Bank of NY in 1815; elected to the Senate from Louisiana but not seated as Louisiana had not been readmitted to the Union at that time. VG. $125

E.S. Marshall, West Chester, Pa. On back is written “A Quaker sinfully posing for photo.” VG. $20

F.A. Smith, Salem, [Oregon]. Creative CDV of young man’s portrait laid over the town’s image. VG. $50

Geo. G. Rockwood & Co., New York. Seated man with gloves. VG. $100

Brady’s National Portrait Gallery. Published by E&HT Anthony. Cyrus West Field (1819 – 1892), American businessman and financier who, along with other entrepreneurs, created the Atlantic Telegraph Company and laid the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean in 1858. VG. $150

D. Appleton & Co., NY. John Bartholomew Gough (1817-1886), recovered drunkard, became important temperance leader and social reformer. VG. $50

Bentz the Bugler, West Point Bentz the Bugler, West Point Bentz the Bugler, West Point
PPCAB37. Two images of Bentz the Bugler at West Point 1877-1879. First is a cabinet card by G.W. Pach, New York and second is a an image measuring 7″ x 9″ in a 9 1/4″ x 12 3/4″ mat. In this latter image Bentz is seen playing the bugle on the grounds of West Point in the winter. VG. $300

Elite Studio, Concordia, Kas. A couple of dudes with rifles and a pistol. Cabinet Card. (cb10) VG. $275

Professor Sophocles Harvard University  Professor Sophocles Harvard University
PPCDV111. Black & Batchelder, Boston. Professor Sophocles of Harvard University. From an old edition of the Harvard Crimson: “Professor Sophocles stood by collegiate seniority, third in the list of the Faculty of Harvard college, being between Professor Loveting and Professor Torry. Some printed authorities place the date of his birth 1807, one going so far as to say the 8th of March, but there is reason to doubt the accuracy of this, although it is undoubtedly nearly correct. He would never in his life give any information about himself for publication. In 1838 he published “A Greek Grammar for the Use of Learners,” which reached a third edition in 1847, and in 1862 had attained a sale of 40,000 copies. Reviewers spoke very highly of it. While writing English that was compact and pure to a surprising degree, the author, being a modern Greek, had a living connection with the ancient language which gave a certainly and ease to his treatment and explanation of grammatical structure. C. C. Felton said of it in the North American Review, that he thoroughly commended it, and that it was likely to bring about a new era in the acquisition of the Greek language. The same magazine, when the second edition of the grammar came out in 1840, took occasion to say that Mr. Sophocles was well known as a gentleman of extraordinary attainments in Greek literature, and that his book was unsurpassed in the English language. In 1837 Yale College conferred upon him the degree of A. M., and Harvard did the same in 1847, afterwards giving him the degree of LL. D. in 1868. The wide sale of the grammar called forth other books, and in these the same careful, skillful hand left its marks, and the same sound judgment was manifested.

In 1849 he visited Greece, and upon his return in 1850 immediately began collecting material for the Greek dictionary. He put forth what was a sort of precursor to that work, ‘A Glossary of Later and Byzantine Greek’ in 1860. Alibone says of his contribution in this kind of learning, that “it was a peculiar boon to scholars and must occupy a place with the glossaries of Ducange and Charpentier.” In 1860 he received the appointment to the professorship of Ancient, Byzantine, and Modern Greek which he held until his death. He again visited Greece in 1860. In 1870 he got out a subscription edition of his ‘Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods.’ It is a work of authority still in use, and many inquiries for it in recent years have been referred to the list of subscribers in the hope that thus might be discovered a copy left, perhaps by death, unused and uncherished. A continuation of the Lexicon, comprising the period from 1100 A. D. to the present, was in course of preparation in Prof. Sophocles’ hands until within a few years, when infirmity arrested his zeal and he showed a disinclination to allow his friends to get it into type. A knowledge of the condition in which this work will be found to have been left win be awaited with interest.

Of Professor Sophocles’ power as a teacher it may be said he was not well adapted to the general work of instructing undergraduates; for advanced scholars, however, his influence was very stimulating, and his great knowledge of Greek literature gave him a wealth of ready and familiar illustrations. He was a great admirer of the ‘Arabian Nights’ and knew the whole of it, some almost believe, by heart. He has sometimes mentioned as the three best books, the Bible, the ‘Arabian Nights,’ and ‘Don Quixote.’ They contained the most, he is supposed to have thought, of the philosophy of life. He was a man who admitted very few persons to his confidence. He has always lived in Cambridge in a college dormitory. He was genial, however, and visited frequently in the families of his friends. Living as he did, his income was little used for his own needs, but he was not at all a miser. His gifts in charity were large, and he found many ways to extend a helping hand to his fellowmen. One noticeable act of generosity was his giving to his native village in Greece a system of public water-works, the need of which he saw upon his visit there. He conducted courses of study in the college until, at the beginning of last year, sickness compelled him to give up a course he contemplated giving. He had again become about well last summer, but the coming again of winter confined him to his room. He is little known to undergraduates of the present day in Cambridge, but will be greatly missed, nevertheless, from the university.” CDV. G. $85

U.S. Grant and Family  U.S. Grant and Family
PPCAB39. No ID. Gen. U.S. Grant and Family at Mt. McGregor, N.Y. This image was a promotional item distributed by M. Frank & Co. Bee Hive Dry Goods House, Fort Wayne, Ind. VG. $150

Capt. Harrison of the Great Eastern ppcdv126b
PPCDV126. D. Appleton & Co., NY. William Harrison (October 1812 in Maryport, Cumberland – 21 January 1860) was a British merchant navy officer. He was the son of a master in the merchant navy. Harrison was bound an apprentice to Mr. Porter, a shipowner of Liverpool, and went to sea in October 1825. On the expiration of his articles he obtained the command of a vessel, and served in the East and West Indies, and on the coast of South America. In the course of the numerous disagreements among the rival powers on the American coast, he was more than once in action, and acquitted himself with credit. In 1834 he transferred his services to Barton, Erlam, & Higgonson, and for them took charge of vessels on the Barbadoes line. From 1842 to 31 December 1855 he was connected with the Cunard Line of packets trading between Liverpool and America. During that period he crossed the Atlantic upwards of one hundred and eighty times, and was one of the most popular of the commanders on that route. In January 1856 he was selected by the directors of the Eastern Steam Navigation Company out of two hundred competitors to take the command of the Great Leviathan, then building at Millwall in the Thames. In the following years he was appointed to superintend the arrangements for internal accommodation and navigation. The ship being at last completed after great delay, and renamed the SS Great Eastern, was sent on a trial trip from Deptford to Portland Roads. Off Hastings on 9 September 1859, a terrific explosion of steam killed ten of the firemen and seriously injured several other persons. Harrison showed prompt courage and resource, and brought the vessel into Portland, although in a very damaged state. The Great Eastern was then put into winter quarters near Hurst Castle. On 21 January 1860 her commander, while sailing from Hythe to Southampton in the ship’s boat, was capsized during a squall near the Southampton dock gates, and when taken from the water was found to be dead. He was buried in St. James’s cemetery, Liverpool on 27 January, when upwards of thirty thousand people followed his body to the grave. Some time previously he had become surety for a friend, by whose sudden death all his savings were lost. A sum of money was therefore raised for the benefit of his aged mother, wife, and three children. There is writing on the card to indicate that this is Capt. Napoleon Bonaparte Harrision the US Navy officer but that is incorrect. One can see in the image that Harrison stands by a circular life preserver on which is written “Great Eastern.” VG. $275

South African Diamond Miners ppcdv127b
PPCDV127. Weber & Sederstrom, New Rush. On back in manuscript is written “Two of my So. African Diamond fields friends. The taller one is Bill Horne. He died at Mongwato Central Africa in 1876.” G. $75

PPCAB51. Hutchings, Railroad Photo-Car. Four men with tools on a railroad handcar. G.$125

Greeley Expedition
PPCAB52. A.W. Anderson, Haverhill, Mass. Survivors of the Greeley Arctic Exploring Expedition. All are identified. Greeley is seated at center. VG. $275

PPBD1. Boudoir Card Photo of the members of the Greeley Arctic Expedition. All identified. The Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881–1884 to Lady Franklin Bay on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic was led by Lieutenant Adolphus Greely, and was promoted by the United States Army Signal Corps. Its purpose was to establish a meteorological-observation station as part of the First International Polar Year, and to collect astronomical and magnetic data. During the expedition, two members of the crew reached a new Farthest North record, but of the original twenty-five men, only seven survived to return. G. $275

PPCDV144. Hallett & Brother, NY. This multi-image CDV shows a number of preachers. The man at 10 ‘o’clock in the image is Matthew Simpson, trusted friend of  Abraham Lincoln, who considered his advice of great value. He attended the family at Lincoln’s death and gave the sermon at his funeral in Springfield. VG. $65

PPCDV146. Photographic negative from Brady’s National Portrait Gallery, published by E. Anthony. Edwin Hubbell Chapin (December 29, 1814 – 1880) was an American preacher and editor of the Christian Leader. He was also a poet, responsible for the poem Burial at Sea, which was the origin of a famous folk song, Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie. Chapin was born in Union Village, Washington County, New York. He completed his formal education in a seminary at Bennington, Vermont. At the age of twenty-four, after a course of theological study, he was invited to take charge of the pulpit of the Universalist Society of Richmond, Virginia, and was ordained as a pastor in 1838. Two years afterward, he moved to Charlestown, Massachusetts, and in 1840 he accepted the pastorate of the School Street Society, in Boston. In 1848 he settled in New York as pastor of the Church of the Divine Paternity, later the Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York, when the church was located on Broadway. There he served for over thirty years, drawing crowds of almost 2,000 each Sunday. Under his leadership, a new edifice was erected on the corner of 5th Avenue and 45th Street, and dedicated on the 3rd day of December, 1866. Chapin became widely known as an orator and author of works including the Crown of ThornsDiscourses on the Lord’s PrayerCharacters of the Gospel, illustrating phases of the present dayMoral Aspects of City Life, and Humanity in the City. He spoke at Frankfort-on-the-Main, before the World’s Peace Convention in 1850; at the Kossuth Banquet; at the Publishers’ Association Festival, and at the opening of the New York Crystal Palace. Harvard College conferred an honorary D.D. upon Chapin in 1856. He was one of the chief actors in what was called the “Broad Church Movement”. He was the author of the poem Ocean Burial, which was put to music by George N. Allen. The song which it became was published widely. It became a sailor’s song and also the beginnings for another song, Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie. He wrote the poem in his youth and it was published in September 1839 in Poe’s Southern Literary Messenger. He was a trustee of Bellevue Medical College and Hospital, and a member of: the State Historical Society, the beneficent society called the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the prestigious Century Club, composed of “authors, artists, and amateurs of letters and the fine arts. In 1854 he was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Honorary member. G. $85

PPCDV151. No ID. John Francis Monestero of Mexico. VG. $300

PPCDV152. Shaw, Chicago. George H. Fergus (1840-1911), book & job printer; lieutenant Co. K, NY 11 Infantry (Ellsworth’s Zouaves); collector of Chicago data; born in a house that stood on the ground of where the Olympic Theater was in 1811. Referred to in the newspaper article shown above as a “Human Directory.” VG. $85

PPCDV154. Fine CDV of a group of 6 gentlemen. Five names are written at the bottom recto: “Mr. Jewel Caryl, David Olin, Ben Ely, Wm. Ely, Mr. Belknap.” There is a two-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso dating this CDV to the period Aug. 1864-Aug. 1866. Searches online have found that David Olin and Dr. Benjamin Ely are buried in Girard Cemetery, Erie County, Pennsylvania. Many Belknaps and Caryls are also buried in Erie County so it is likely that this CDV is from that area. VG. $75

PPCDV155.  Cridland’s Photograph Gallery, 90 Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Amputee. 3-cent tax stamp on verso, not cancelled, dating this image between mid-1864 and mid-1866. VG. $40

PPCDV161. D.C. Burxell, Bridgewater, Mass. CDV of 3 girls reminiscent of “The Children of the Battle Field” image which is written on the verso. This is not the ‘children of the battle field’ image but just a cdv with a good look of 3 girls. VG. $35

PPCDV164. Bradley & Rulofson, San Francisco, Cal. Inscribed on verso “Your Truly, James L. Orem, March 5th, 1874. I’m not sure of the gentleman’s last name but he is a California sheriff with badge. G. $175

PPCDV165. Riker, Orange, N.J. Image of a mother with child, probably sleeping. VG. $25

PPCDV166. Moore Bros, Springfield, Mass. Trick photography, both men being the same man. VG. $75

PPCDV167. J.W. Hurn, Philadelphia. Trick photography, both men being the same man. 2-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. G. $75

PPCDV168. Chas. Leach, Successor to Leach & Edkins, Baltimore. Two CDVs of the same uniformed gentleman, one having been decorated with ink artwork back in the day. G. $150

PPCAB80. Pentz & Swords, York, Pa. Pawnee Bill. Gordon William Lillie (February 14, 1860 – February 3, 1942), known professionally as Pawnee Bill, was an American showman and performer who specialized in Wild West shows and was known for his short partnership with William “Buffalo” Bill Cody. He married May Lillie. In 2010, he was inducted into the Hall of Great Westerners of the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. G. $300

PPCAB95. B. Block, Brooklyn, NY. On back is written “Commissioner Smith. The first Salvation Army officer sent to America.” This is not true, he was not the first officer sent to the US. VG. $25

PPCAB96. Hammersley, NY. Written at bottom recto is “Yours sincerely Captain Will Halprin.” VG. $20

PPCAB98. C.A. Sweet, Wellsboro, Pa. Gentleman in Masonic outfit with sash, medal, sword, etc. VG. $20

PPCDV171. Photographic Negative from Brady’s National Portrait Gallery, published by E. Anthony. Horace Greeley (February 3, 1811 – November 29, 1872) was an American newspaper editor and publisher who was the founder and editor of the New-York Tribune. Long active in politics, he served briefly as a congressman from New York, and was the unsuccessful candidate of the new Liberal Republican Party in the 1872 presidential election against incumbent President Ulysses S. Grant, who won by a landslide. Greeley was born to a poor family in Amherst, New Hampshire. He was apprenticed to a printer in Vermont and went to New York City in 1831 to seek his fortune. He wrote for or edited several publications and involved himself in Whig Party politics, taking a significant part in William Henry Harrison’s successful 1840 presidential campaign. The following year, he founded the Tribune, which became the highest-circulating newspaper in the country through weekly editions sent by mail. Among many other issues, he urged the settlement of the American Old West, which he saw as a land of opportunity for the young and the unemployed. He popularized the slogan “Go West, young man, and grow up with the country.” He endlessly promoted utopian reforms such as socialism, vegetarianism, agrarianism, feminism, and temperance while hiring the best talent he could find. Greeley’s alliance with William H. Seward and Thurlow Weed led to him serving three months in the House of Representatives, where he angered many by investigating Congress in his newspaper. In 1854, he helped found and may have named the Republican Party. Republican newspapers across the nation regularly reprinted his editorials. During the Civil War, he mostly supported Abraham Lincoln, though he urged the president to commit to the end of slavery before Lincoln was willing to do so. After Lincoln’s assassination, he supported the Radical Republicans in opposition to President Andrew Johnson. He broke with the Radicals and with Republican President Ulysses Grant because of corruption, and Greeley’s view that Reconstruction era policies were no longer needed. Greeley was the new Liberal Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 1872. He lost in a landslide despite having the additional support of the Democratic Party. He was devastated by the death of his wife five days before the election and died one month later, before the Electoral College met. VG. $150

PPCDV172. H. Hering, London. Florence Nightingale. VG. $150

PPCDV173. E. Aubin & Cie., Beyrouth, Syrie. Fine CDV of a young girl with a hookah. VG. $75

PPCDV182. Frat.lli Marco Giovanni Contarini, Venezia. Looks to be a water carrier. VG. $20

PPCDV197. Johnson, Williams & Co., NY. Man in uniform with riding crop. Tinted. VG. $30

PPCDV200. Josef Krikawa, NY. Man in ethnic outfit. G. $45

PPCDV204. Richard Walzl, Baltimore, Md. Written on verso “with the compliments J. Appleton Wilson 1866.” 2-cent cancelled tax stamp on verso. Walzl’s 1866 copyright line bottom verso. The Excelsior Album Photograph invented by and executed only at Richard Walzl’s, Baltimore. From the Gil Barrett collection. VG. $10

PPCDV205. C.H. Townsend, Willimantic, Conn. Written on verso “Beeker, Oldham, Babson & Smith.” Group of fraternal gents. VG. $35

PPCDV220. Group of Scots in back row, two men and two women in front row, seated. The seated man second from right looks to be in uniform. On back is written “Scot album Mike,” meaning this is from the Mike McAfee collection. VG. $35

PPCDV229. The philosopher and his wife. John Merrill (1802-1892), a White Mountain celebrity at the Pool, Franconia Notch, NH. 2-cent tax stamp on verso. VG. $50

PPCDV233. L. Angerer, Wien. Group of performers in ethnic dress. All named on verso. VG. $50

PPCDV236. Charles D. Fredricks & Co., NY. Henry Ward Beecher. VG. $65

PPCDV237. Slee Bros., Poughkeepsie, NY. Cadet in uniform. 2-cent tax stamp on verso cancelled Sep. 16, 1864. VG. $65

PPCAB99. Sam Bristow, Westmore, Kans. Salvation Army group. Nibbled at lower right corner o/w VG. $35

PPCDV238. H. Lenthall, West Hempstead. Florence Nightingale. VG. $150

PPCDV239. Sarony, NY. Cyrus W. Field (1819-1892), American financier. VG. $85

PPCDV240. Cyrus W. Field (1819-1892), American financier. On thin mount. Trimmed. G. $65

PPCDV241. Photographic negative from Brady’s National Portrait Gallery, published by E. Anthony. John W. Francis (1789-1861), American physician. Co-founded the NY Academy of Medicine. VG. $50

PPCDV242. Black & Case, Boston. Joshua Bates (1788-1864), international financier. VG. $50

PPCDV243. Amos Lawrence (1786-1852), American merchant. G. $35

PPCDV244. James Fisk, Jr. (1834-1872), American financier. G. $35

PPCDV245. J.W. Black, Boston. Horace Mann (1796-1859), American educator. Tax stamp on verso. G. $50

PPCDV246. Howell, NY. Peter Cooper (1791-1883), American manufacturer and philanthropist. VG. $85

PPCDV247. Howell, NY. Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877), American businessman. VG. $85

PPCDV248. Howell, NY. Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877), American business man. VG. $85

PPCDV249. Mayall, London. George Peabody (1795-1869), American merchant and philanthropist. VG. $65

PPCDV250. Williams & Everett, Boston. George Peabody (1795-1869), American merchant and philanthropist. VG. $75

PPCDV251. Black, Boston. Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), American reformer. G. $85

PPCDV252. Warren, Boston. Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), American reformer. VG. $95

PPCDV253. Warren, Boston. Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), American reformer. VG. $95

PPCAB103. Fine cabinet card portrait by William Notman of Walter-Gilley Ray (11 Dec 1820 – 22 Sep 1892) taken in 1869. He was a naval engineer, married to Jane Le Sueur (1820 – 7 March 1906). E. $95

PPCDV257. R.S. De Lamater, Hartford, Ct. Pair of well-dressed women. E. $100

PPCDV260. Group of 5 CDVs. Came with a slip of paper which reads: “This group of CDVs came from the Gen. Robert Patterson family album.” Included is a fine CDV of a seated, leaning young child with a prominent mourning ribbon around one arm by P.F. Cooper, Philadelphia. The other CDVs are by M.C. Tuttle, Saint Paul, MN; A.F. Burnham, Faribault, MN; R.W. Addis, Photographer at McClees Gallery, Washington, DC; and Floyd, Minneapolis, MN. VG. $50