OUT72. No ID. CDV of what I believe is Fort Snelling, Minnesota. VG. $125
OUT75. E&HT Anthony. This CDV came from an album belonging to a surgeon at Fort Schuyler. Image shows a church, several people in front, one reclining. VG. $65
OUT107. J.G. Baird, Burlington, Iowa. Signs for “National State Bank,” “Burlington Ins. Co.,” “Wm. A. Torrey.” 3-cent green cancelled tax stamp on verso. CDV. VG. $150
OUT138. Boysen & Struckmann, Traveling Photographers. On back is written “Taken Oct. 4th, 1879, Guadaloupe, Cal.” CDV. G. $200
OUT152. Lawrence & Houseworth, San Francisco. 326. U.S. Steamer Wateree–Double Ender. USS Wateree, a 1173-ton Sassacus class “double-ender” steam gunboat, was built at Chester, Pennsylvania. Unlike her numerous wooden sister ships, she was constructed with an iron hull. Commissioned in January 1864, Wateree was sent around Cape Horn to the Pacific, arriving at San Francisco, California, for post-voyage repairs in November 1864. From early 1865 until mid-1868, the gunboat patrolled along the west coasts of Central and South America as a unit of the South Atlantic Squadron. On 13 August 1868, while she was at the Port of Arica, Peru (later part of Chile), an earthquake resulted in a huge tidal wave striking the anchorage, breaking several ships loose from their anchors and casting them ashore. Wateree was carried nearly five-hundred yards inland, where she was deposited relatively intact. However, refloating and repairing her would have been impossibly expensive, so she was sold where she lay in November 1868. Reportedly, her hulk was subsequently employed as an inn. CDV. G. $275
OUT165. No ID. Wilder House, Main & Wall, looking West, Fort Scott, Kansas. Established and garrisoned by the U.S. Army from 1842–1853, soldiers at Fort Scott assisted with the protection of the Permanent Indian Frontier. After the army abandoned the fort in 1853, the buildings were purchased by local settlers at a government auction in 1855. The former military post became the center of one of the largest towns in Kansas Territory. Between 1855 and 1861, the citizens of Fort Scott experienced the violent unrest that preceded the Civil War on the Kansas and Missouri border. Eastern newspapers described this violence as “Bleeding Kansas,” a result of the national controversy concerning the extension of slavery into the new territories. Murder, rape, mayhem, robbery, and arson were committed by bold free-state and pro-slavery advocates in the name of their cause. On January 29, 1861, Kansas entered the union as a free state, but the turmoil of “Bleeding Kansas” continued throughout the Civil War. During the Civil War, Fort Scott was a U.S Army district Headquarters, quartermaster supply depot, training center, and recruitment station. It was strategically vital to the defense of Kansas and the Midwest. A battle over the fort occurred in August 1861 just across the Missouri line in the Battle of Dry Wood Creek. The battle was a pro-South victory for Sterling Price and his Missouri State Guard. Price did not hold the fort and instead continued a northern push into Missouri in an attempt to recapture the state. James H. Lane (Senator) was to launch a Jayhawker offensive behind Price from Fort Scott that led to the Sacking of Osceola. The ill will of these actions was to be the basis for the 1976 Clint Eastwood film The Outlaw Josey Wales. After the Civil War, Fort Scott was a premier city of the frontier, one of the largest cities in eastern Kansas. There are several Union soldiers in this image. The Wilder House is still standing today, recently having celebrated its 150 birthday. CDV. VG. $375
OUT173. Jas. C. Richardson, Decorah, Iowa. CDV of a busy street scene with store signs, presumably Decorah, Iowa. Edge trimmed at left o/w VG. $350
OUT193. J.B. Roberts & Co., Rochester, NY. Main St. during the flood. The flood took place on St. Patrick’s Day, 1865. CDV. VG. $150
OUT206. Bayley & Cramer’s Fine-Art Gallery, S.F. Plaza-San Francisco. Written in right margin recto is “x Headqrs US Army ???to US B & ? RR.” There is a small “x” in the image over a building toward the right. CDV. VG. $275
OUT209. Jos. H. Downing, Healdsburg, Cal. Street scene CDV, several readable signs. VG. $250
OUT210. W.M. Stuart’s Premium Gallery, Stockton, Cal. Odd Fellows Hall-The portion where no scaffolding remains is the Masonic House, the first used by O.F. CDV. VG. $300
OUT216. Huff’s Photographic Gallery, Newark, N.J. H.W. Morehouse & Co., Grocers. CDV. VG. $200
OUT219. Whitney’s Gallery, Saint Paul. 101. Bridge over the Mississippi at Saint Paul. Whole length 1790 feet; main span 240 feet long and 90 feet above low water. CDV. VG. $125
OUT230. J.D. Powers, Springfield, Vt. CDV shows the flood of Oct. 4, 1869; cabinet shop had just been swept away. VG. $300
OUT231. J.D. Powers, Springfield, Vt. CDV shows the flood of Oct. 4, 1869; cabinet shop had just been swept away. G. $275
OUT234. No ID. Street scene in Morenci, Michigan. Signs that can be read: “J.P. Crowley & Co.,” and “W.R. Richards & Co.” With photocopy of identified Morenci street scene identifying this as the vicinity of 215 Main St. CDV. VG. $300
OUT235. Henry Cushing, Woodstock, Vt. Six-horse stagecoach in front of boarding hotel. CDV. VG. $150
OUT238. A.F. Styles, Burlington, Vt. Styles’ Green Mountain Scenery. CDV. VG. $75
OUT240. No ID. Written on back “Possibly a Vt. Photo.” Came with a large lot of VT CDVs. Looks like a really tall flagpole out front. VG. $65
OUT275. Toll’s Art and Portrait Gallery, Santa Rosa, Cal. Lakeport, Cal. Sign for Wells Fargo & Co.’s Express, Scudamore Reynolds & Co. and another. Creased at center, lower left corner crease, clipped corners. CDV. Fair. $200
OUT276. CDV with the following written on verso: “Building in Corning Iowa under construction by Adam Werner before 1880.” VG. $150
OUT279. Uncommon CDV by George Stacy, although unsigned of Trinity Church, NY. ID of photographer from duplicate CDV in my collection. VG. $75
OUT285. No ID. On verso is written “Dog train and sled with furs, from Ft. Garry, Manitoba at Fort Abercrombie, Dakota.” Rare Dakota Territory CDV. VG. $375
OUT286. No ID. On verso is written “Freshet in the Red River of the North, View at Fort Abercrombie, D.T.” Rare Dakota Territory CDV. VG. $375
OUT293. No ID. CDV showing the establishment of R.C. O’Donald, Stoves & Tinware. Research has identified this location as Perrysburg, Ohio. No backmark. G. $125
OUT302. Beer Brothers, NY. Written on verso “Indian Camp. My view by compliment. Given me when I was sixteen years of age. Hope I shall soon see [you?]. From my truly loving friend Mrs. Edwards.” CDV. VG. $75
OUT304. F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia. Mission House. I believe this is in the Levant, the middle east. VG. $125
OUT328. J.P. Soule, Boston. Mt. Washington Carriage Road, at Ledge, Looking Up. On back is written “July 13, 1861.” VG. $50
OUT336. No ID, although probably John P. Soule. Tip Top House, White Mountains, Mt. Washington. Aug. 1873. CDV. VG. $50
OUT337. No ID, although probably John P. Soule. Crawford Notch, White Mountains. Aug. 1873. CDV. VG. $35
OUT344. Baker & Record, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Pen R.R. Station at Saratoga, 1876. CDV. VG. $125
OUT346. Large cabinet card measuring 7″ x 5″ of a stagecoach with an ice wagon also visible. I have been told that this is Placerville, Cal. This great image is marred by a crease left to right about two inches from bottom. It is not overly visible as you can see. Fair. $75
OUT373. T.R. Burnham, Portland, Me. Sidewheel steamer Bristol. CDV. VG. $45
OUT374. Water Stand at Naples. CDV. VG. $25
OUT378. Whitney’s Gallery, St. Paul. 206. Falls of Saint Anthony, West. CDV. G. $75
OUT379. Whitney’s Gallery, St. Paul. 198. Falls of St. Anthony. CDV. G. $75
OUT382. The Original J.A. Williams’ Photograph Rooms, established 1847, (Formerly Wm. Vose’s Ice Cream Saloon), Newport, R.I. View from Fort Dunham. CDV. VG. $85
OUT385. Written on verso “Puente de fierro: Fabrica de Bering.” [Iron bridge, Bering factory]. Unknown tropical location. G. $40
OUT389. John P. Soule, Boston. Written on verso “Mr. Thompsons 1st single team over the Mt. Washington road.” VG. $75
OUT391. Unidentified street scene. Sings for “Rochester House,” “Western Union Telegraph,” “Drilling Tools,” and others less readable. Busy scene, maybe NYS, maybe PA. There is an oval blindstamp on the image that may be a photographer’s stamp or may be a postal stamping. G. $200
OUT393. Rockwood, NY. The Howard Mission and Home for Little Wanderers, No. 37 New Bowery, NY. VG. $150
OUT394. Oscar Foss, San Francisco. 1868 Earthquake Ruins on Market St. CDV. G. $350
OUT395. Bowman & Rawson, Peru & La Salle, Ill. VG. $65
OUT396. Powelson, Rochester, NY. Flood, State St., Rochester, NY, 1865. CDV. VG. $150
OUT397. Frank A. Olds, Covington, Ind. The Attica Cyclone, May 12, 1886. Revere House-North end. Cabinet card. G. $85
OUT398. Muybridge. CDV from Views of Pacific Coast. Effect of Earthquake in San Francisco Oct. 21, 1868. Paper adhesions on verso. VG. $1200
OUT399. Chas. G. Faist, San Francisco. Cabinet Card of a large group of men on street, flags at left. A celebration of some sort. VG. $125