Fine Assortment of Antique Photographic Images For Sale!


Tintype of Photographers Harley & Nason with Camera and Image of Abraham Lincoln


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from the family of Cortlandt Field Bishop!

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Items Added on a Daily Basis! Take some time and explore the rare material offered throughout the site!
All forms of Antique Photographic images (Stereoviews, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Cartes de Visite, Cabinet Cards, Boudoir Cards, Real Photo Postcards, etc.) as well as Viewers and related books and publications for sale.

We have many additional items available for purchase not shown on the site. Please let us know what you are looking for and we may be able to be of assistance.

Thousands of images are available from our photographic archive for use in your book, film, documentary, slide show, etc. Specialty areas are: Early NYC, Civil War, Ballooning & Lighter-than-Air Aviation, Wire-Walkers, Human Oddities, Hudson River Valley Region, General Americana, Blacks, Native Americans, Photographica, Ferris Wheels, Gymnastic Images, as well as many others. To view the images in our Collection please click here.

We are always seeking to purchase quality material!
Please email to or call us at 845-242-7377 if you have items to offer.
If you send us a message through our Buy link or our Contact link and do not hear back within one day that means your contact did not come through to us.
Please use the email address above and write to us directly! 

Please note: All material on this site is covered by copyright.
If you would like to use images and text on this site please contact us.
Permission is generally granted for non-profit use.

If you would like to acquire high resolution scans of images for other purposes, please contact us.